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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1474
73701. What is the a biological process in which glucose and fat is oxidised to liberate energy?
Answer: Respiration
73702. The first law of thermodynamics is concerned with the conservation of which thing?
Answer: Energy
73703. By which name does the Brahmaputra enter into India?
Answer: Dihang
73704. Why is ‘Beaufort Scale’ used?
Answer: To measure wind velocity
73705. Where are the Relics of Buddha preserved?
Answer: In Stupa
73706. When was the Ninth Schedule of the Constitution of India added?
Answer: By the first Amendment
73707. To prepare a standard solution of a substance; what is generally used?
Answer: Measuring flask
73708. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperature up to how many °C?
Answer: 360°C
73709. Where is the headquarters of East African Development Bank?
Answer: Uganda
73710. On which date the earth is at the largest distance from the sun (Apehelion)?
Answer: July 4th
73711. In the Delhi Sultanate; the work of 'Mustauf-i-Mamalik' was related to which?
Answer: Auditing
73712. What is temporary tax levied to obtain additional revenue?
Answer: Surcharge
73713. By which impact is Nuclear fission is caused?
Answer: Neutron
73714. കടൽവെള്ളരിയിൽ കൂടുതലായി കാണപ്പെടുന്ന ലോഹം? [Kadalvellariyil kooduthalaayi kaanappedunna loham?]
Answer: വനേഡിയം [Vanediyam]
73715. Which region receives the rainfall throughout the year due to westerly winds?
Answer: South Chile
73716. At which of the following places watches will show 30 A.M. when it is 00 midnight G.M.T.?
Answer: New Delhi
73717. Which is the tree requiring minimum water for its growth?
Answer: Babul
73718. ‘Holding a ‘Bandh’ was declared illegal for the first time in India by which High Courts?
Answer: Kerala High Court
73719. Who is considered as ‘trimutri’ (Trinity) of Carnatic Music?
Answer: Muthuswami Dikshitar
73720. Which national Highway route is the longest?
Answer: Kolkata-Hajira
73721. Which group has the highest number of endangered species?
Answer: Reptiles
73722. Which year is celebrated as International Year of Biodiversity?
Answer: 2010
73723. Who was the first to receive the Nobel prize?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
73724. On which date was the State of Bombay was bifurcated into Maharashtra and Gujarat?
Answer: May 1; in the year 1960
73725. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq shifted his capital from Delhi to which place?
Answer: Daulatabad
73726. Scanty rainfall of less than 50 cm per annum is received which latitudes?
Answer: The areas of high latitudes
73727. Which insect spreads Kala-azar? – Sand fly?
Answer: Sand fly
73728. Which are the The best and the poorest conductors of heat respectively?
Answer: Silver (Ag); and lead (Pb)
73729. What was the first James Bond book?
Answer: Casino Royal
73730. Where is the headquarters of the Universal Postal Union?
Answer: Switzerland
73731. How are representatives of Union Territories in Lok Sabha chosen?
Answer: Direct elections
73732. 23rd January is celebrated as the birthday of which person?
Answer: Subhash Chandra Bose
73733. What is the name of India’s highest award which is given to a civilian?
Answer: Bharat Ratna
73734. Who wrote the book ‘A Passage to India’– ?
Answer: E. M. Foster
73735. Which Act gave representation to Indians for the first time in the Legislature?
Answer: Government of India Act; 1935
73736. Which is also called Stranger Gas?
Answer: Xenon
73737. Which type of rainfall that occurs when wind rises up along a hill or mountain barrier?
Answer: Orographic
73738. Strait of Malacca separates which countries?
Answer: Sumatra and Malaysia
73739. When is World Mental Health Day; recognized by the UN is observed?
Answer: 10-Oct-2017
73740. Which was a journal brought out by Abul Kalam Azad?
Answer: Al -Hilal
73741. Which Upanishads were translated into Persian by Dara Shikh?
Answer: Sirr-i-Akbar
73742. If there is no Sun; what would the colour of the sky?
Answer: Black
73743. Who is a social activist campaigning against child labour?
Answer: Swami Agnivesh
73744. What are the birth and death years of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?
Answer: 1891; 1956
73745. What is Syrinx?
Answer: Voice box in Birds
73746. Which industry uses mica?
Answer: Electrical industry
73747. In which policy India opted for ‘Mixed Economy’?
Answer: Industrial Policy of 1948
73748. In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly found?
Answer: Old Igneous
73749. Which neighbouring country has objections on Indian Baglihar Hydro-electric Project?
Answer: Pakistan
73750. With which did the Civil Disobedience Movement in India commence?
Answer: The Dandi March
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