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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 1605
80251. A feather of one's cap
Answer: Something to be proud of
80252. Feather one's nest
Answer: To earn by unfair means
80253. Fellow feeling
Answer: A feeling of sympathy for somebody because you have shared similar experiences
80254. Fight shy of
Answer: To be hesitant
80255. Force one's hand
Answer: To force one to do unwillingly
80256. Forty winks
Answer: A siesta
80257. Fringe benefits
Answer: Extra things that an employer gives you as well as your wages
80258. Fair weather friend
Answer: Friends of good days only
80259. Fall in with
Answer: To agree to something
80260. Fall out with
Answer: To have an argument with somebody
80261. Fall to one's lot
Answer: To become ones task or responsibility
80262. Fall behind in
Answer: To fail to keep level
80263. Fall a prey to
Answer: To be harmed or affected by something bad
80264. Gala day
Answer: A special public celebration or entertainment
80265. Good for nothing
Answer: Of no use
80266. Gift of the gab
Answer: Ability or art of speaking fluently
80267. Golden mean
Answer: Neither to much nor to little
80268. Good samaritan
Answer: A person who gives help and sympathy to people who need it
80269. Get the better of
Answer: To overcome
80270. Get by heart
Answer: To learn orally or to remember orally
80271. Go a long way
Answer: To continue with an activity
80272. Golden opportunity
Answer: A very favourable chance
80273. Get ahead of
Answer: To make progress
80274. Get along with
Answer: To leave a place
80275. Get away with
Answer: To steal something and escape with it
80276. Get down to
Answer: To start to do
80277. Get even with
Answer: To revenge
80278. Get hold of
Answer: To find something that you want or need
80279. Get into a soup
Answer: To make things difficult
80280. Get in to the swing of things
Answer: To be familiar of
80281. Get on one's nerves
Answer: To have a friendly relationship with somebody
80282. Get on with
Answer: To be worrisome
80283. Get out of
Answer: To leave or go out of a place
80284. Get out of line
Answer: To avoid a responsibility or duty
80285. Get the sack
Answer: Dismiss from the services
80286. Get the upper hand
Answer: To get an advantage
80287. Get through with
Answer: To finish or complete a task
80288. Get wind of
Answer: To know the secret
80289. Get word
Answer: To be able to say anything
80290. Give a break
Answer: To give a chance
80291. Give a piece of mind
Answer: To scold
80292. Give a ring
Answer: To make a telephone call
80293. Go through fire and water
Answer: To take any risk
80294. Go to rack and ruin
Answer: To get into a bad condition
80295. Greenroom
Answer: A room in a theatre; television; studio
80296. Get off scot free
Answer: To go away without punishment
80297. Goa long way
Answer: To make progress
80298. Hand in hand
Answer: If two people are hand in hand they are holding each other's hand
80299. Here and there
Answer: In various place
80300. Hard cash
Answer: Money
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