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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2227
111351. The mineral containing both magnesium and calcium is?
Answer: dolomite
111352. he metal does not give H2 on treatment with dilute HCL is?
Answer: Ag
111353. The number of g-molecule of oxygen in 6.02 x 1024CO molecules is?
Answer: 5 gram of molecule
111354. The most extensive; commercially useful source of thorium as monazite sand occurs in India at?
Answer: Travancore coast
111355. The main active constituent of tea and coffee is?
Answer: caffeine
111356. The maximum number of isomers for an alkene with molecular formula C4H8 is?
Answer: 4
111357. The hardest form of carbon is?
Answer: diamond
111358. The most important ore of aluminium is?
Answer: bauxite
111359. The organic reaction represented by equation CH3 - CH = O + H2NOH gives CH3 - CH - NH + H2O is an example of?
Answer: a condensation reaction
111360. The number of electrons presents in H+ is?
Answer: zero
111361. The hottest part of the gas flame is known as?
Answer: non-luminous zone
111362. The human body is made up of several chemical elements; the element present in the highest proportion (65%) in the body is?
Answer: oxygen
111363. The isomerism which exists between CH3CHCI2 and CH2CI. CH2CI is?
Answer: positional isomerism
111364. The number of waves made by an electron moving in an orbit having maximum magnetic quantum number is +3?
Answer: 4
111365. The number of atoms present in 21.6 gram of silver (atomic weight = 108) are same as the molecules in?
Answer: 12 moles of KMnO4
111366. The National Chemical Laboratory is situated in?
Answer: Pune
111367. The mass number of an atom is equal to?
Answer: the number of nucleons
111368. The maximum number of covalent formed by nitrogen is?
Answer: 4
111369. The formula C6H5-CO-CH3 represents?
Answer: Acetophenone
111370. The metal that is usually extracted from sea water is?
Answer: Mg
111371. The method of concentrating the ore which makes use of the difference in density between ore and impurities is called?
Answer: levigation
111372. The inert gases are ____ in water?
Answer: sparingly soluble
111373. The molecular formula of phosphorous is?
Answer: P4
111374. The names of the scientists; Newlands; Mendeleev; and Meyer are associated with the development of?
Answer: periodic table of contents
111375. Bosch Process is used for the industrial preparation of is related to?
Answer: Hydrogen
111376. Caster process is related to?
Answer: Sodium
111377. Down’s process is related to?
Answer: Sodium
111378. Nelson cell is related to?
Answer: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
111379. Caster Kellner cell is related to?
Answer: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
111380. Lowing process is related to?
Answer: Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
111381. Solvay process is related to?
Answer: Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) & Bicarbonate of Soda (NaHCO3)
111382. Leblanc process is related to?
Answer: Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)
111383. Precht process is related to?
Answer: Potassium carbonate (K2CO3)
111384. Mac Arthur Forrest process (Cyanide) is related to?
Answer: Silver (Ag)
111385. Parke’s process is related to?
Answer: Silver (Ag)
111386. Cupellation process is related to?
Answer: Silver (Ag) (purification)
111387. Pattison’s process is related to?
Answer: Silver (Ag)
111388. Baeyer’s process is related to?
Answer: Aluminum (Al)
111389. Serpeck’s process is related to?
Answer: Aluminum (Al)
111390. Hoope’s process is related to?
Answer: Aluminum (Al) (purification)
111391. Hall- Heroult process is related to?
Answer: Aluminum (Al)
111392. Goldschmidt process is related to?
Answer: Thermite welding
111393. Carter process is related to?
Answer: Basic lead carbonate
111394. Haber’s process is related to?
Answer: Ammonia (NH3)
111395. Birkeland –Eyde process is related to?
Answer: Nitric Oxide (NO); Nitric Acid (HNO3)
111396. Oswald process is related to?
Answer: Nitric Oxide (NO); Nitric Acid (HNO3)
111397. Deacon’s process is related to?
Answer: chlorine (Cl2)
111398. Lead Chamber process is related to?
Answer: Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
111399. Contact process is related to?
Answer: Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
111400. Kaldo and L.D process is related to?
Answer: Steel
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