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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2228
111401. Corey-House is related to?
Answer: Alkane
111402. Oxo process is related to?
Answer: Alcohol
111403. Dow’s Sea water process is related to?
Answer: Magnesium (Mg)
111404. Pidgeon process is related to?
Answer: Magnesium (Mg)
111405. Cyanamide process is related to?
Answer: Ammonia (NH3)
111406. Bessimer-Thomas process is related to?
Answer: Steel
111407. Simens’s process is related to?
Answer: Steel
111408. Frasch process is related to?
Answer: Sulphur
111409. IMI process is related to?
Answer: Titanium (Ti)
111410. Mond process is related to?
Answer: Nickel (Ni)
111411. Which Vitamin is known as the anti-infective vitamin?
Answer: Vitamin A
111412. What is the source of Vitamin A in Leafy vegetables?
Answer: Carotene
111413. Which is the pigment giving yellow colour to Milk?
Answer: Carotene
111414. Unpolished rice is a rich source of which vitamin?
Answer: Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
111415. Which Vitamin is used for ELISA test (AIDS)?
Answer: Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
111416. Which Vitamin contains Cobalt?
Answer: Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
111417. Which Vitamin helps to heal wound?
Answer: Vitamin C
111418. Which Vitamin helps in blood clotting?
Answer: Vitamin K
111419. Which Vitamin helps immunity of body?
Answer: Vitamin C
111420. Which is the first artificially synthesized Vitamin?
Answer: Vitamin C
111421. Night Blindness is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin A
111422. Hyperkeratosis is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin A
111423. Keratomalacia is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin A
111424. Beriberi is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B1
111425. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B1
111426. Ariboflavinosis is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B2
111427. Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B3
111428. Paresthesia is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B5
111429. Anemia peripheral neuropathy is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B6
111430. Dermatitis is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B7
111431. Enteritis. is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B7
111432. Megaloblast and Deficiency during pregnancy is associated with birth defects such as neural tube defects are due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B9
111433. Megaloblastic anemia is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin B12
111434. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin C
111435. Rickets and Osteomalacia is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin D
111436. Bleeding diathesis is caused due to the deficiency of?
Answer: Vitamin K
111437. Water soluble Vitamins are?
Answer: B complex; C
111438. Fat soluble Vitamins are?
Answer: A; D; E; K
111439. Who is known as father of Biology /Zoology?
Answer: Aristotle
111440. Who discovered that ‘Plant have life’?
Answer: J.C. Bose
111441. Name two nitrogen fixing bacteria?
Answer: Rhizobium & Azetobactor
111442. The plants absorbs the element nitrogen in the form of?
Answer: Nitrates
111443. Name the plant that absorbs ammonia directly?
Answer: Paddy
111444. Write an example of nitrogen fixing algae?
Answer: Cyanobacteria
111445. Name the minerals caused by Eutrophication?
Answer: Nitrogen; phophorus
111446. Black gram is very rich in ......?
Answer: Proteins & carbohydrates
111447. Name two insecticides?
Answer: DDT; BHC
111448. Dioxin is a common .........?
Answer: Weedicide
111449. Which scientist coined the term ‘Biology’?
Answer: Jean Lamarck
111450. Which is the monocarpic plant which shows gregarious flowering once in 48 years?
Answer: Bamboo
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