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You Are On Question Answer Bank SET 2229
111451. BHC is the common name of....?
Answer: Gamaxin
111452. Which gas lead to global warming?
Answer: Carbondioxide
111453. Which gas lead to ozone depletion?
Answer: Chlorofluro carbon
111454. What is the term used for the occurrence of more than one type of morphologically different leaves on the same plant?
Answer: Heterophylly
111455. What is cladode?
Answer: The modification of stem to carry the function of leaf is called cladode. eg: Opuntia
111456. What is the male reproductive part of the flower known as?
Answer: Stamens
111457. What is the most common nutritive tissue for the developing embryos in angiosperm known as?
Answer: Endosperm
111458. What is the common name of Agaricus?
Answer: Mushroom
111459. What is cambium?
Answer: Elongated cells in between xylem and phloem in dicot plants constitute cambium
111460. Write the name of the trees which flower only once in a complete life-cycle?
Answer: Monocarpic
111461. Give the name of an organism that derives its nourishment from another living organism?
Answer: Parasite
111462. How do plant cells differ from animal cells?
Answer: In having cell walls; plastids and large vacuoles
111463. Name an organism having characters of both plants and animals?
Answer: Euglena
111464. In which plants the annual rings are absent?
Answer: Gymnosperms
111465. What is the peculiarity of Gymnosperms?
Answer: They have naked ovules
111466. Fruits are not produced in gymnosperms. Why?
Answer: Because they are without an ovary
111467. In gymnosperms; How does pollination takes place?
Answer: Through Wind
111468. Name any polygamous type of plant?
Answer: Mango
111469. What do you mean by IUCN?
Answer: International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
111470. Name a plant that forms fruits but no seed?
Answer: Banana
111471. Name a plant that forms seeds but no fruits?
Answer: Pinus
111472. What are Kelps?
Answer: Kelps are large sea weeds
111473. Write an example of an epiphyte?
Answer: Vanda
111474. Write an example of annuals?
Answer: Wheat; rice
111475. Write an example of Hydrophytes?
Answer: Hydrilla; Water lily; Lotus; Water Hyacinth
111476. Write an example of Mesophytes?
Answer: Cassia fistula; China Rose; Sunflower
111477. Which is the tallest tree?
Answer: Redwood Sequoia
111478. The process of developing new and improved varieties of plants?
Answer: Plant breeding
111479. The process of removing anther from a bisexual flower?
Answer: Emasculation
111480. The central plantation crops Research Institute is in?
Answer: Kasargod
111481. Where is the hybrid sugarcane centre situated?
Answer: Coimbatore
111482. The pepper research station is in?
Answer: Kannur (Panniyur)
111483. The modern techniques adopted for the improvement of plants?
Answer: Hybridisation and mutation
111484. What is phagocytosis?
Answer: Engulfing of solid food or foreign particles by the cell
111485. Where was IUCN started?
Answer: Switzerland
111486. Which is the first link of a food chain?
Answer: Producer or green plants
111487. The whole living world on the earth's surface is called?
Answer: Biosphere
111488. The biggest flower in the plant kingdom is?
Answer: Rafflesia.
111489. What are biotic factors?
Answer: Biotic factors include plants; animals; human beings and all other living organisms
111490. What is a protozoa?
Answer: It is unicellular organism
111491. The wall of a plant cell is made up of?
Answer: Cellulose
111492. What do you know about Fucus?
Answer: Fucus is a large brown seaweed
111493. What are Angiosperms?
Answer: They are flowering plants
111494. Which is the plant that stores food in its leaves?
Answer: Cabbage
111495. What is the name of the disease caused by the lack of iron in plants?
Answer: Chlorosis
111496. Which one is commonly known as "Band Silk"?
Answer: Spirogyra
111497. What is fertilization?
Answer: It means fusion of the nuclei of male and female gametes
111498. Where is National Botanical Garden situated?
Answer: Lucknow
111499. Cricket bats are made up of the wood of one tree. What is its name?
Answer: Willow
111500. What is the method by which plants absorb mineral salts?
Answer: They absorb mineral salts through osmosis
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