Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

351. Which first Indian leader to undergo imprisonment in 1882?

C. Vijiaraghavachari

352. The anti-malarial drug Quinine is made from a plant. Which is that plant?


353. The Himalayan mountain system belongs to which mountains?

Fold mountains

354. Which is the branch of agriculture concerned with the production of crops?


355. Which Gupta ruler defeated the Huna ruler; Mihirakula?


356. Mosses and Lichens are the characteristic vegetation of which region?

Tundra region

357. The Varansi Kanyakumari National Highway is called which national highway?

NH 7

358. Which European country is divided into areas called Cantons?


359. Who is most famous for" the establishment of an elaborate system of municipal administration?

Chandragupta Maurya

360. What is the duration of a normal one half of a Hockey match?

30 min

361. Which art style combines Indian and Greek feature?


362. Who was the ruler of medieval India who is credited with the building of the Grand Trunk Road?

Sher Shah Suri

363. The food material in fungi is stored in which form?


364. Where has the use of plough been evidenced?


365. When Akbar surrounded Chittor fort; who saved it for four months?


366. The Indian Football team made its first appearance at Olympics in?


367. Who authored the Tamil epic 'Silappadikaram'?


368. By whom was the city of Agra founded in 1504?

Sikandar Lodi

369. Who fixes the salaries and the allowances of the Speaker of Lok Sabha?


370. Where did Alexander die?


371. Which celestial body besides earth bear; The Sea of Tranquility’ and The Ocean of Storms’?


372. The ordinances issued by the Governor are subject to approval by which office?

State Legislature

373. What is the most satisfactory method for separating sugars?


374. Which of the following carbohydrates is most abundant in nature?


375. From the evolutionary point of view; which is the most primitive animal?

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