Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

376. Person is called ‘Desert Fox’?

Gen. Rommel

377. What is the mean of Epigraphy?

The study of inscriptions

378. By whom was Shuddhi movement (conversion of non-Hindus to Hinduism) started?

Swami Dayanand Saraswati

379. Who long do the World Bank and IMF give respectively?

Long term and short term credits

380. By which number the quality of gasoline’ sample is determined?

By its octane number

381. Which vitamin is generally excreted by humans in urine?

Vitamin C

382. Which is the highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value?


383. Healing of wounds is hastened by which vitamin?


384. In ancient India; Nalanda University was a great centre for the study of which religion?

Mahayana Buddhism

385. Who was the daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb?


386. What does Gobar gas contains mainly?


387. Which was the first State to become bifurcated after independence?


388. Among the Union Territories which has the highest literacy rate?


389. How many centuries in Tests did Sunil Gavaskar bag when he retired?


390. When Babur invaded India who was the ruler of Vijayanagara empire in South India?

Krishna Deva Raya

391. Formation of pot holes in river beds is an example of thing?


392. Which silver coins Issued by the Guptas?


393. Which connects the ocean floor level with the continental level?

Continental slope

394. What is the quantity that remains unchanged in a transformer?


395. For how many month can the proclamation of emergency at the first instance be restricted?

6 months

396. Who appoints the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir?


397. Which set contains foods rich in carbohydrates?

Banana; potato and rice

398. What is the amount of actual water vapour of air?

Absolute humidity

399. In which season is the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal maximum?

After summer

400. Indian Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Science is located at which city?

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