Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

401. Which instrument meant for measuring the rate of respiration?


402. In case a President dies while in office; for how many months can the Vice-President act as President?

6 months

403. Between which a government is federal or unitary on the basis of relations?

Centre and States

404. Which soils developed on transported sediments?


405. Which European were the last to come- to pre-independence India as traders?


406. What are tropical cyclones of the Bay of Bengal usually called?


407. How many States of the U.S.A. are not attached to its mainland?


408. Who was the political guru of Gandhiji?

Gopal Krishna Gokhale

409. Which current is produced by upwelling of cold water off the coast of Chile and Peru?

Humboldt current

410. If a place is located at 20°N; 80°E in which continents does it lie?


411. With which amendment act has Panchayati Raj received constitutional status?


412. Who directed the world famous film ‘The Gandhi’?

Richard Attenborough

413. What is termed as the period of high inflation and low economic growth?


414. How is the National Development Council?

Nonpolitical body

415. What does Dear Money Policy imply?

High interest rates

416. Why does the western coast of India receive very high rainfall in summer mainly?

Due to western Ghats

417. In which the formation of magma along the bedding plane results?


418. By whom was Electron first identified?

J. J. Thomson

419. When was the Reserve Bank of India taken over by the Government?


420. At where an example of Chola architecture can be seen?


421. Which Article of the Constitution of India makes a specific mention of Village Panchayats?

Article 40

422. Which countries were involved in 100 year war?

England and France

423. Next to Hindi; which is the language spoken by the largest number of people in the Indian sub-continent?


424. Forest policy of govt. aims to bring what percentage of total area; under forest?


425. “Man without society is either a beast or a God”. Who said this?

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