Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

426. Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome?


427. Which soil is most suited for tea plantation?


428. In which year; some more commercial banks in addition to the first lot of 141 were nationalised in India?


429. How many pair of heart is found in an earthworm?


430. Why are the Canals in Western Europe are mainly used?

For inland navigation

431. Which archaeologist initially discovered the Mohenjodaro site of the Indus Valley Civilization?

Rakhal Das Banerji

432. Parthanogenesis is seen generally in which fruit?


433. Who was the greatest Buddhist commentator of the Buddhist canonical literature?


434. In Which kind of organisms is the phenomenon found wherein the female kills the male after copulation?


435. When is International women’s Day recognized by the UN observed?


436. Which Chief Justice of India has acted as President of India?

M. Hidayatullah

437. Which English Poet finished writing the epic poem ‘Paradise Lost’?

John Milton

438. Radioactive distintegration of uranium ultimately results in which formation?


439. What is the Biological death of a patient?

Death of tissues of the brain

440. Who was the first Indian woman President of the Indian National Congress?

Sarojini Naidu

441. What function is specifically prescribed by the Constitution for the vice-President of India?

Chairman of Rajya Sabha

442. The Maratha power reached its zenith during which Peshwaship?

Balaji II

443. Which river originates at Amarkantak?


444. What is the basic attribute of a formal organization?

Rules and regulations

445. A car is running on a road at a uniform speed of 60 km/hr. What is the net resultant force on the car?

Equal to zero

446. Which is used in storage batteries?


447. Which is the suthernmost city?


448. How much the equatorial circumference is greater than the polar circumference?

Approximately 68 km

449. Strait of Florida runs in between which water bodies?

Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico

450. Who was the ruler of Chittor; when Alauddin Khilji attacked and conquered it in 1303 A.D.?

Rana Ratan Singh
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