Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

601. Who was well-known patron of the Mahayana of Buddhism?


602. How many islands of India are located in the Bay of Bengal?


603. Which characteristic is NOT found in the convectional rainfall?


604. In which year was the Constituent Assembly which framed the Constitution for Independent India set up?


605. If the price of an inferior good falls; what about its demand?

Remains constant

606. Which country ranks first in producing teak?


607. In which processes light energy is converted into chemical energy?


608. What does the rise of mercury in a barometer indicate?

Fair weather

609. By whom was an inter-State Council set up in 1990 under Article 263 of the Constitution?


610. Copper gets its name from which Mediterranean country?

Cyprus where it was

611. Who was contemporary of Namdev?


612. What type of acid is used in car batteries?


613. Which part of the Earth’s surface receives the highest amount of insolation?

Tropical deserts

614. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted on the wall of which part?


615. Ismat Chughtai is associated with which field?


616. What is the distance between popping crease and stumps on cricket pitch?

3 1⁄2 ft

617. Which State produces maximum pulses in the country?

Madhya Pradesh

618. What is the currency of Austria?


619. What was the first credit card?

Diners Club

620. Who witnessed the reign of seven Sultans of Delhi?

Amir Khusarau

621. Who lost the AFC (Asian Football Confederation Final 2012 to Aradil?


622. Who is called the Flying Sikh of India?

Milkha Singh

623. During which reign was Kalidasa lived?

Chandragupta II

624. Which Cricketer has scored the highest total runs in test cricket?

Sachin Tendulkar

625. Who was the leader of the Indian revolutionary activities in America?

Lala Hardayal
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