Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

676. By which income individual’s actual standard of living can be assessed?

Disposable Personal Income

677. With reference to Indian defence what is; the ‘Lakshya’?

A pilotless training aircraft

678. What is meant by ‘Underwriting’; the term frequently used in financial sector?

Under valuation of the assets.

679. By which enzyme is Urea converted into ammonia and carbon dioxide?


680. A deuterium nucleus consists of which particles?

One proton and one neutron

681. The elements of group VA are generally known as which name?


682. By which was Yavanika (Curtain) introduced in Indian theatre?


683. Which was the original name of Tansen; the famous musician in the court of Akbar?

Ramtanu Pande

684. Which scheme was intended to tap the black money?

India Development Bonds

685. From which fund are the salary and allowances of the Governor charged?

Consolidated Fund of the State

686. Which ruler of India who ruled over territories in Central Asia beyond the Pamirs?


687. Narita is the main airport of which city?


688. Who has been appointed as the chairman of Central Electricity Authority?

Rakesh Nath

689. By whom was General Dyer who was responsible for Jallianwala Bagh massacre was shot dead?

Udham Singh

690. What is the difference between IST and GMT?

hours 30 minutes

691. Why is the Wind in the; Southern hemisphere is deflected towards left?

Due to rotation of the earth

692. The Chola empire reached its zenith under which ruler?

Rajendra Chola I

693. How many member states are in ‘Common Market’ for Eastern and Southern Africa?


694. In which the claim of Ashoka’s greatness cheifly lay?

Promotion of welfare of his people

695. In which forests are Teak and Sal are the principal trees?

Tropical moist deciduous

696. Which territory was outside the boundaries of the Mughal Empire during the reign of Akbar?


697. At a grid sub stations the voltage is stepped up to reduce loss of which thing?


698. Which historical personality of India is also known as Vishnugupta?


699. Who is the winner of Saraswati Samman 2012?

A.A. Manavalan

700. Why was Farakka Barrage commissioned?

Save Kolkata port
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