Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

776. Which is a landlocked country?


777. Which was not a kingdom in ancient India?


778. Which animals who have constant body temperature?


779. What is making interesting discoveries unexpectedly or by accident?


780. Which European country provide its currency for Bank of Central African States?


781. Which is located in the’ Bastar region?

Indravati National Park

782. How many chamber are found in the heart of frog?


783. Which crop are grain with the on set of mansoon & are harvested in September-October?


784. In which year did UN establish the UN Conference on Trade and Development?


785. Why has the per capita income been low in India?

Because of population growth

786. In which year was the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) founded?


787. What is the main constituent of natural gas?


788. When is the Constitution of India designed to work as a unitary government?

In times of Emergency

789. Who led the agitation against the Partition of Bengal (1905)?

Surendranath Banerjee

790. The Zagros mountain range is in which country?


791. Which compound does not give a positive test in Lassaigne’s test for nitrogen?


792. By which fission does Leishmania; the causative agent of kala-azar; multiply asexually?

By binary fission

793. Which is found on the western coast of continents between 30° and 40° latitudes?

Mediterranean Climate Region

794. Which language is Next to Hindi spoken by the largest number of people in the Indian subcontinent?


795. What is the short upper part of the human intestine next to the stomach?


796. How can a Change in distribution of powers between the Centre and the States be done?

Amending the Constitution

797. Which insect spreads kala-azar?

Sand fly

798. What is the best method for improving the nutrient composition of a diet’?

By combining various foods

799. Rain shadow effect is associated with which rainfall?

Orographic rainfall

800. Which Mughal painter according to Abul Fazl was excellent in drawing of features?

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