Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

801. Sirajuddaulah was defeated by Lord Clive in which battle?


802. During the proclamation of National Emergency which articls cannot be suspended?

Articles 20 and 21

803. What is the first month of the ‘Saka era’?


804. English is the official language of which State?


805. The Kalachuri era counted from A.D. 248 what was mostly in currnet?


806. Nine Degree Channel separate which regions?

Lakshadweep and Minicby

807. Which is the World’s longest river?


808. Karl Marx’s book ‘Das Kapital’ was published in which year?


809. Which is known as ‘graveyard of RBCs’?


810. What is most suitable for the core of an electromagnet?

Soft iron

811. Why does Kerosene oil rise up in the wick of lantern?

Because of surface tension

812. Which amendment curtailed the power of Judicial review of the Supreme Court and the High Courts?


813. Who is the author of the best seller book ‘No Full stops in India’?

Mark Tully

814. What was the first major inscription in classical?

Sanskrit of Rudradaman

815. What is the most appropriate measure of a country’s economic growth?

Per capita real income

816. Who was the head of the University of Nalanda the great Bengali scholar?


817. When is International Youth Day; recognized by the UN observed?


818. Who was the first man in space?

Yuri Gagarin

819. By whom is the Prime Minister appointed?


820. Why does the velocity of rain drop attain constant value?

Viscous force exerted by air

821. How type of right is Right to Information?

Fundamental right

822. Which is-the largest Gulf in the World?

The Gulf of Mexico

823. Which State stands first in the length of roads in the country?


824. When was decimal coinage introduced in India?


825. In India; which first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881?

Oudh Commercial Bank
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