Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

826. What are Rubies and Sapphires chemically known as?

Aluminium oxide

827. In Shivaji’s Ashtapradhan; which officer looked after the foreign affairs?


828. When will a hot body radiate maximum energy?

If its surface is black and rough

829. Which state is the larger producer of lignitle coal?

Tamil Nadu

830. The heavier silicates named ‘Sima’ or silica + magnesium are most abundant in which layer?


831. “Green house effect” with respect to global warming refers to which effect?

Warming effect

832. What are Brahmanas?

Texts on sacrificial rituals

833. Who won Jnanpith award for the Year 2011?

Pratibha Ray

834. When is International Day of Democracy; recognized by the UN observed?


835. How many hymns does the Rigveda consists?


836. Which sector of the economy is state owned and its service sector is a public enterprise?


837. The vedic deity Indra was the god of which thing?

Rain and thunder

838. Pheretima posthuma is scientific name of which animal?

Earth worm

839. Where are Lungs situated?

In thoracic cavity

840. Which bank gives long term loan to farmers?

Land Development Bank

841. What is the connecting link between Annelida and Arthropoda?


842. Which allotrope of the carbon is used in cutting and drilling?


843. Where are the oceanic current named as ‘Kuroshio; Kurile and Alaskan’ located?–?

North Atlantic Ocean

844. What does real national income denote?

National income at constant prices

845. Where can the report of the UPSC discussed?

In Parliament before being accepted

846. Which plain formed due to the weathering of lime stone?

Karst plains

847. Who has directed the film ‘Little Buddha’?

Bernardo Bertolucci

848. Which is softwood from coniferous forest?


849. Since when has US been a member of the UN?


850. Where are Diesel locomotives manufactured?

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