Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

851. Geostationary orbit is at a height of how many km?

36;000 km

852. What is the common name for the star Sirius?

Dog Star

853. Which acquired the double dome for the first time?

Tomb of Sikandar Lodi

854. Where is In the Constitution of India; the word ‘Federal’ used?


855. First Air Mail Service was operated at Allahabad & Nainital in?


856. Which country is the largest on producer in the world?


857. What percentage of country’s demand for natural rubber is met by in indigenous production?


858. Which book was written by Gandhiji?

My Experiments with Truth

859. 17th Parallel separates which country?

North and South Vietnam

860. Late Girilal jain was a noted figure in which fields?


861. Who was the first European to translate the Bhagwad Gita into English?

Charles Wilkins

862. Which east flowing river of India forms rift valley due to down warping?


863. Which are the Soils that developed in humid tropical regions?


864. When is the ‘World AIDS Day’ observed all over the world?

1st December

865. Molecular and cellular research centre is situated in which city?


866. Olympic Games after 4th century AD Restarted (Under IOC) from which year?


867. By whom was the Sarak-i-Azam which ran from the Indus to Sonargaon (in Bangladesh) built?

Sher Shah

868. Late Girilal Jain was a noted figure in which field?


869. Which hot and dry winds that help in the ripening or grapes in the Alps region?


870. Which environment support the growth of Mangrove Swamp?

Tidal flat

871. In which was Indian Constitution amended for the first time?


872. Which is a global biodiversity hotspot in India?

Western Ghats

873. Who wrote the book ‘Reminiscences of the Nehru Age’?

O.P. Mathai

874. In plant energy is produced during which process?


875. Which soil is most suitable for cultivation of cereals?

Alluvial soils
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