Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

876. Which generally produces the largest quantity of oranges?


877. Which law is involved in the act of cleaning a carpet by beating it with a stick?

First law of motion

878. The tropopause occurs at the equator at a height of how many kilometers?

17 km

879. In which country is Cork is chiefly produced?

Cadiz (Spain)

880. Which right conferred by the Constitution of India is also available to non-citizens?

Freedom to speech

881. In which type of climate does the temperature never rise above 10°C throughout the year?

Tundra Climate

882. The resistance of material increases with temperature. What is this?


883. Who ‘was killed by Shivaji?

Afzal Khan

884. By whom are Zonal Council provided?

By Parliamentary Act

885. Which decade is celebrated as United Nations Decade for Women?


886. Niagara Falls is located between which pairs of lakes?

Lake Erie and lake Ontario

887. Which was the first to legalize euthanasia?


888. How many members of the Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President of India?


889. Which State has the largest percentage of reserved parliamentary seats?

Uttar Pradesh

890. How is the climate of India is?

Subtropical monsoon

891. Prof. Amartya Sen has earned worldwide distinction in which field /area?


892. Which form of phosphorus is used in safety matches?

Red phosphorus

893. Which groups of items contains only biodegradable items?

Wood; Grass; Leather

894. Who is the Secretary General of UNO?


895. A Cruciverbalist is interested in what?

Crossword Puzzles

896. Where is ‘Ninety East Ridge’ situated?

Indian Ocean

897. Which is not the concern of the local government?

Public Utility Services

898. Purushsukta is a part of which veda?


899. For which disease no vaccine is yet available?


900. Which are the working language(s) of the UNESCO?

English and French
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