Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

976. Which day is celebrated as United Nations day every year?

24th October

977. How did Constituent Assembly arrived at decisions on the various provisions of the Constitution?

By consensus

978. Where is the headquarters of African Development Bank?


979. Which is the official language of Central Bank of West African Bank?


980. Among the remedies of inflation; what can we include?

Lowering bank rate

981. In which region of India was the Firdausi order of Sufism popular?


982. From where does Indian Railways earn the maximum revenue?


983. To whom is the phrase 'The Light of Asia' applied?


984. In USA; which region receives heavy rainfall throughout the year under the influence of Westerlies?


985. What does a polyandric women have more than one of?


986. Which planet is known as ‘Morning Star’?


987. Which is used to know the development of foetus in uterus?


988. ‘Asian Drama’; by Gunnar Karl Myrdal; is a book on which subjects?


989. Which is the deepest landlocked protected port?


990. In India; what is the main limiting factor for cultivation?

Indequacy of water supply

991. Who were the first to establish trade contacts with the Roman empire?


992. If a Minister of a State wants to resign; to whom he should address the letter of resignation?

Chief Minister

993. Who invited Babar to invade India?

Alain khan; the father of Dilawar Khan

994. After the decline of the Gupta; a By whom was larger part of North India reunited?


995. Who was the first Indian to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of London?

Srinivas Ramanujan

996. Which Amendment provided for an authoritative version of the Constitution in Hindi?


997. Who was the successor of Shivaji?


998. Which are the important species of the Mediterranean biome?

Pine; cedar; fir

999. How was the Gupta administration?


1000. Who is a famous Sarod player?

Amjad Ali Khan
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