Indian-Polity Related Question Answers
651. During the Liberation Struggle (1959), the ‘Jeevasikha Jatha’ led by Mannath Padmanabhan was started from?
652. “If a temple perishes that much superstition will perish” who made this controversial statement?
653. Whom Mannanth Padmanabhan once dubbed as his ‘political nephew’?
654. Vaikom Satyagraha lasted for ____months?
655. The immediate cause of the outbreak of the Liberation Struggle was the introduction of the?
Education Bill
656. The dewan of Travancore against whom K.Ramakrishna Pillai launched vehement criticism?
657. Who married Kaliyamma under the compulsion of relatives but later discontinued married life as he had been devoted to ascetic life?
Sree Narayana Guru
658. Which was the major site of Kerala renaissance movements, where first major protests against untouchability and casteism in Hinduism was organized?
Vaikom temple
659. In which year Pampadi John Joseph was born?
660. “Brahmasri Sree Narayana Guruvinte Jeevacharitha Samgraham” is written by?
661. “Here I met a remarkable man” About whom Swami Vivekananda made this comment on hearing the clarifications on ‘Chinmudra’?
Chattampi Swamikal
662. Sree Narayana Guru used saffron colour dress for the first time during the occassion of?
First visit to Sri Lanka
663. “Reminiscences of my life” is the English translation of the autobiography of?
Mannath Padmanabhan
664. Bhattarakeswaram Temple is related to?
Chattampi Swamikal
665. Where Chattampi Swamikal met Swami Vivekananda?
666. “During my travels throughout the world, I have had the good fortune to come in contact with several saints and maharishis... But I have frankly to admit that I have never come across one who is spiritually greater than Swami Narayana Guru or a person who is at par with him in spiritual attainment.” Who paid tribute in the above words after visiting Sree Narayana Guru?
Rabindranath Tagore
667. Who established Sree Vidhyadhiraja Theerthapada Paramabhattrakasram?
Chattampi Swamikal
668. The publication of which newspaper was stopped in 1906 as the press caught fire?
669. Who among the following was a proponent of the Civil Rights Movement in Travancore?
670. In which year K.Ramakrishna Pillai took charge as the editor of Swadeshabhimani?
671. Sree Narayana Guru gave the message “Organize and strengthen” during the occassion of?
Second visit to Sri Lanka
672. Before his first visit to Sri Lanka what was the colour of the dress used by Sree Narayana Guru?
673. Barrister G.P.Pillai who was mentioned by Mahathma Gandhi in his autobiography was the editor of?
Madras Standarad
674. Chattampi Swamikal learnt the art of ‘Hat yoga’ from?
Thycaud Ayya
675. In which temple consecrated by Sree Narayana Guru installed ‘flame’?
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