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1. The process of extraction of metals from their ores; and then refining them for use is known as?
Answer: metallurgy
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MCQ->Read the following passage carefully and choose the most appropriate answer to the question out of the four alternatives. A classless society, however, does not mean a society without leaders. It means rather one in which every citizen becomes for the first time eligible for leadership, if he has the power to lead. It means a society in which every one is given, as far as possible, the chance to develop this power by the widest diffusion of educational opportunities in the broadest sense, and by keeping the career wide open to talents of every useful kind. It is often said that a community of equals will not allow itself to be led. But in fact, most men are, in most things, very willing to be led, and more in danger of giving their leaders too much than too little authority, especially if they are free to choose them, and assured that the leaders cannot exploit them for personal economic advantage leadership, so far from disappearing, will come into its own in a truly democratic society. But it is likely to be a more diffused leadership than we are used to for a better-nurtured people will have more citizens with strong wills and minds of their own, wishful to lead some in politics, some in industry, and some in professions and arts of life. This is the idea of a classless society. Some will reject it as contrary to their interest, some as utopian and against 'Human nature,' for there are some who deny, indeed if not in word, that the aim of society should be to promote the greatest happiness and welfare of the greatest number and others who hold, with pessimistic honesty, that most men must be driven and not led. What is the tone adopted by the author in this passage?...
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