55651. ---------is the most potent Mydriatic Cycloplegic drug.
55652. N circles for a = a 1, and a = a 1 ± 180° n (where n = 1, 2, 3, ....) are the same.
55653. Grade 3 Hypertensive Retinopathy is characterized by all except
55654. If G(s)H(s) = K (T1s + 1)/[s2 (T2s + 1)] the system stability depended an relative magnitudes of T1 and T2.
55655. The only abductor of vocal cords
55656. In a simple on-off controller with differential gap, the magnitude of differential gap determines
55657. Tullio phenomenon seen in
55658. If the Nyquist plot encircles the (-1 + j0) point clockwise once or more number of times, the system is unstable.
55659. B2 Transferrin is a specific test done in
55660. When I first met him, he ......... in a hotel.?
55661. Tympanic neurectomy is the surgical treatment of
55662. Which dc servomotor requires strongest permanent magnet?
55663. Adverse effects of thiazide include all of the following Except
55664. Nichols chart consists of
55665. Condition associated with auto immune hepatitis
55666. Consider the following statements about root locus The intersection of root locus branches with the imaginary axis can be determined by the use of Routh criterionSegments of real axis having an odd number of real axis open loop poles plus zeros to their right are not parts of root locusThe number of root locus branches terminating on infinity is always zero Which of the above statements are correct?
55669. Cranial nerves affected in cavernous sinus thrombosis
55670. The poles with greater displacement from the real axis correspond to
55671. Which has been described as the “key to the constitution”?
55672. Which of the following is open loop system?
55673. Assertion (A): If points at infinity are included, G(s) has same number of poles and zeros.Reason (R): The function has a zero at s = - 2.
55674. If the characteristic equation is (λ + 1) (λ + 2) (λ + 3) = 0, the eigen values are
55675. Lag compensation permits a high gain at low frequencies.
55676. If the poles lie in second quadrant, damping ratio is
55677. Assertion (A): When performance specifications are given in term of transient response characteristics, root locus method is a suitable method.Reason (R): When performance specifications in terms of state variables are given, modern control methods can be used.
55678. Integral control action
55679. If , the closed loop pole will be located at s = -12 when K =
55680. The sensor generally used in incremental optical encoder is
55681. Robotic manipulator arms mostly use
55682. Provide meaningful words to fill the blanks: The man who has committed such an irreparable crime ......... get the most severe punishment.?
55683. For type 1 system the velocity lag error is
55684. For as ω approaches infinity, the magnitude approaches zero and phase angle approaches - 90°.
55685. Nyquist stability criterion uses open loop frequency response characteristics.
55686. In the given figure, the combinations of two non touching loops is
55687. For any test point s on the real axis, the sum of angular contributions of the complex conjugate poles is
55688. For the system in the given figure G varies slightly, the ratio of open loop sensitivity to closed loop sensitivity is
55689. The M circle for M = 1 is the
55690. Which of the following can act as error detecting devices a pair of potentiometersa pair of synchrosa differential transformera metadynea control transformer Select the answer using the following codes:
55691. The loop transfer function of a feedback system is . The number of asymptotes of its root loci are
55692. Assertion (A): If minimum phase system has a gain margin of 8 dB and phase margin of 21°, the system is stable.Reason (R): For a minimum phase system both GM and PM must be positive for the system to be stable.
55693. For 0 < M < 1, the centres of M circle lie to the right of origin.
55694. Assertion (A): In root locus the breakaway and break in points either lie on real axis or occur in complex conjugate pairs.Reason (R): All root locus asymptotes intersect on real axis.
55695. Assertion (A): Integration in time domain is converted into division in s domainReason (R):
55696. A conditionally stable system is stable for the value of gain between two critical values. It is unstable if
55697. Transport lag usually exists in
55698. The constant magnitude of G(s) plane are
55699. For a closed loop system
The imaginary axis intercept of the root loci will be
55700. IQ range of mild intellectual Disability is