108855. Gandhiji held the first Satyagraha in India at Champaran which belongs to the state of:
108856. Genetic disorder
108857. Hemoglobin is made up of
108858. The cell division results in four daughter cells each having half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell and are called gametes. This type of cell division is
108859. What are Eka, Cray XT5, Nebulae and SAGA-220
108860. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the various stages in the food chain
108861. An ecosystem comprises
108862. Tar
108863. Anthrax
108864. Which of the following disease is not caused by bacteria
108865. Hypoglycemia, glycosuria and polyuria are caused by the deficiency of
108866. The disease caused by a protozoan :
108867. Which is the first enzyme to mix out red blood cells
108868. Among the following organisms, which one does not belong to the class of other three?
108869. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of a food chain?
108870. Organisms which are widely used for experiments in genetics are
108871. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of ecosystems in the order of decreasing productivity?
108872. High levels of uric acid in the blood is characteristic of:
108873. Normal human blood is
108874. Deficiency of iodine causes
108875. Which disease is often referred as "Royal Disease"
108876. In the following question the two words given on one side of double colon i.e., : bear a certain relationship. The other side shows an incomplete pair marked by a missing word which bears a similar relationship with the given word. Find the missing word out of the given options (A), (B), (or (D). Eye : Cataract: :_____ : Hepatitis
108877. The largest gland in the human body is
108878. Blood Bank of the body is
108879. Many bacteria and protozoa simply divide into two or more daughter cells. This process is known as
108880. Cranial nerves emerge from the
108881. Rules of inheritance of traits in human beings were worked out by
108882. Each kidney has a large number of filtration units called
108883. Oxygen-rich blood from the lungs comes to the
108884. The number of bones in the human skeleton is:
108885. Red Blood Cells are produced in
108886. In which part of the human body is the retina located
108887. The strength of concrete with passage of time
108888. BCG vaccine is used against
108889. The function of liver is to
108890. Who was the author of ‘Treatment of Thiyyas in Travancore’?
108891. ’Hindustan Republication Army’was established by:
108892. ’Kallada Hydro Electric Project’belongs to which district?
108893. The age of Moderate in Indian Freedom struggle was:
108894. ’Swaraj’ as goal of Congress was declared in 1905 at which congress session?
108895. Why did Gandhiji start satyagraha in 1919?
108896. The British Officer Rand was killed by:
108897. Who was lathi charged while protesting against Simon Commission and died later?
108898. The World Health Day is celebrated on:
108899. The founder of modern nursing:
108900. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of: