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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2178
108901. Tuberculosis is caused by:
108902. Infection transmitted between individuals infected with different pathogenic organism is
108903. The urine specific gravity is:
108904. Abnormal increase in the volume of urine is termed as:
108905. The inflammation of middle ear is termed as:
108906. The term used to denote loss of appetite is:
108907. The concentration of dettol used to disinfect thermometer is
108908. The microscope is invented by:
108909. The smallest unit of an element is:
108910. The pH value of blood is:
108911. The pacemaker of the heart:
108912. The cardiac output in a healthy adult at rest:
108913. The largest organ in our body is:
108914. The smallest unit of the body is”
108915. The solution used to detect sugan in the urine is:
108916. The hormone responsible for the secondary sex characteristics in females is:
108917. The largest artery in human body
108918. One ml contains:
108919. The international Nurses day is celebrated on:
108920. The pigment responsible for skin colour:
108921. Inflammation of the tongue is termed as:
108922. Body building foods are:
108923. The most effective method of disinfection:
108924. Tire cheapest source of vitamin A:
108925. Which of the following is an association for the third world countries?
108926. Which among the following is a live vaccine?
108927. Which of the following communicable diseases is eradicated in India?
108928. The World AIDS day is celebrated on:
108929. A sudden severe attack of shivering in which the body temperature rises rapidly to a stage of hyper pyrexia:
108930. The number of pulse beats in a minute”
108931. Increased respiratory rate over 24 breaths per minute:
108932. The lack of oxygen in the tissues:
108933. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is:
108934. Total cessation of breathing is termed as:
108935. The largest gland in the body:
108936. Infancy is a period from:
108937. Cessation of menstruation is termed as:
108938. How many calories will be obtained from one gram fat?
108939. The method of transfer of heat directly through a substance from hot part to the cold part,from one molecule to the other:
108940. The formula to convert Fahrenheit scale to Celsius scale:
108941. A sudden return to normal temperature from a very high temperature within a few hours or days:
108942. A collection of data designed to be used by different people is called a
108943. Which of the following is not a procedural language
108944. Which of the following is an interpreted language
108945. Which of the following is not an output device
108946. Expand "WAP".
108947. Which of the following is a knowledge discovery technique
108948. Which of the following is a programming language
108949. IBM's system 360 is an example of .............. generation computer.
108950. The major component of a computer is
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