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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2284
114201. The word opposite in meaning to pride
114202. The word similar in meaning to weird
114203. You cross the road when the lights are red.
114204. Have some more rice ...................?
114205. I him since his childhood.
114206. I advised him
114207. Nobody answered it, ...................... ?
114208. He attributed his success sheer luck .
114209. Without careful nursing the patient cant pull
114210. As he was cleaning his gun, it went and killed him
114211. I have been awaken five hours
114212. One who sneers and shows contempt for riches and enjoyment is :
114213. Effluent means:
114214. Zip code means :
114215. A stitch in the time saves nine means:
114216. Most of the letters in English alphabet come from:
114217. Hedge Hog is the name of :
114218. The police arrested him. Change the voice
114219. He was attacked by a sledgehammer
114220. Either of these have to be replaced.
114221. I have completed the work by noon:
114222. The ship suffered heavy damages.
114223. He was meticulous in doing his duties.
114224. The new boss wants to reorganise the
114225. He will not change his opinion, since he is very obstinate :
114226. In his thirties, he was at the utmost height of his career.
114227. He was rather presumptuous in his behaviour.
114228. When he saw the results, his ecstasy knew no bounds:
114229. The fear he felt them was intense:
114230. He failed ________ his best efforts.
114231. __________ I spoke to his brother.
114232. We will miss the train __________
114233. ____ delights me.
114234. Kamala is a typist .............. the University Library.
114235. If you had studied well, you ............. the examination.
114236. Which of the following is correctly spelt ?
114237. The patient has been given medicine ........... her fever.
114238. The Principal declared that tomorrow ............ a holiday.
114239. The opposite of scrupulous is:
114240. The scientific study of drugs and their use in medicine is known as:
114241. Everybody has got a pass mark, .............. ?
114242. The contractor ............. the work by the end of this year.
114243. Anand is .......... boy in the class.
114244. Nobody .......... permitted to enter the theatre so far.
114245. .......... patient was given.......... injection.
114246. He usually .......... here every Sunday.
114247. Raju is sorry .......... what he has done.
114248. If you accept my ........... you will see a doctor.
114249. The Chief Minister .............. the Governor yesterday.
114250. Anjana is fond ....... music.
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