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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 2285

114251. Anagha visited Chennai last year, .............. ?

114252. Both Mr. Anand and his wife ........... teachers.

114253. Insane means

114254. It was two years ______ that I first met Gopal.

114255. The British Council offered him a scholarship _____?

114256. He was standing ________ her.

114257. He is coming _____ plane

114258. That is the poet I was referring

114259. Boys will be boys means:

114260. Opposite of Assemble:

114261. Opposite of appoint:

114262. Postmortem means the examination of a dead body. Another word with the same meaning:

114263. Bread is made in a bakery then film, is made in a:

114264. If dogs bark then sparrows:

114265. The loan will be repaid _____ a year.

114266. I shall be there _____ 4 p.m. on Friday.

114267. ________ camel is the ship of the desert.

114268. Change into indirect speech: He said to me, You alone can save her

114269. Sun contains Helium. This statement is

114270. Misattribution of a persons undesired thoughts, feelings or impulses into another person who does not have those thoughts, feelings or impulses is

114271. The fear of bees is

114272. In which play did the famous Shakespearean Character Falstaff appear ?

114273. One word for group of islands.

114274. Sarvodaya aimed at?

114275. What do you mean by topiary ?

114276. To seek help from God in prayer and patience is hard save for the pious. Here the word save means:

114277. The words flammable and inflammable have:

114278. Arms and the Man is a drama written by:

114279. Group of words pronounced or spelt in the same way but having different meanings:

114280. Securing a cross-party consensus on how to deal with clashes remained elusive. Here Consensus means

114281. Raju is squirrelling money away for his retirement. Here squirrelling means:

114282. The convict was an incorrigible criminal. Here the word incorrigible means:

114283. Podiatrist is a doctor who treats:

114284. When Bill Clinton was the President of U.S.A., he was charged with the following allegation by the jury:

114285. Mukesh and Anil decided to bury the hatchet. What do you mean by bury the hatchet ?

114286. The nature of knowledge and the process of knowing it is known as:

114287. Hobson's choice means:

114288. Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, Tiger, Dog

114289. Jump, Swim, Leap, Think, Walk:

114290. Swan : Cygnet :: Sheep : .............?

114291. Bird : Chirp :: Horse : ........... ?

114292. People walking along the foot path are called :

114293. The passengers of a moving bus fall forward when it stops suddenly.. This is because.

114294. She failed in the examination because she was not well on the examination days. This is a:

114295. The correct sentence among the following is:

114296. The word which cannot be formed from the alphabets of the word `Conversation' is

114297. The word which is opposite to 'Obstinate' is:

114298. The word which is synonymous to the word 'paradigm' is

114299. 'A bee in one's bonnet' means:

114300. I ......... on this job since last Monday.

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