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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 276
13801. The first president of Nair Service Society was
13802. Aruvippuram consecration was in the year
13803. What was the original name of Thycaud Ayya Guru?
13804. The 35th National Games was held at
13805. Swach Bharat Project was launched on
13806. Who is the Chief Minister of Bihar?
13807. The Scheme ”Project Arrow” is related to
13808. Kailash Satyarthi, the Nobel laureate belongs to which State?
13809. When a resistance wire is stretched twice its lenght,its area of cross-section reduced by half.Then its resistance
13810. In a p-type semiconductor,the majority carriers are
13811. When a white light undergo dispersion through a triangular glass prism,the colour that deviates the most
13812. When an explosion occurs 6800m away from a man, then how long after its sound reaches the man(speed of sound in air is 340 m/s)
13813. Time taken by sunlight to reach the earth is approaximately
13814. A transformer works on
13815. Unit of electric power
13816. Einstein’s mass-energy relation is
13817. When a body is lifted from the surface of the earth,acceleration due to gravity(g) on it
13818. During free fall of a body,its weight
13819. A gas can be liquified by,
13820. At constant pressure, the volume of a fixed mass of gas is directly proportional to its temperature in Kelvin scale. This is known as,
13821. 36g of water contains
13822. Maximum number that can be accommodated in p subshell is,
13823. The metal with maximum electropositivity is,
13824. An important ore of aluminium is,
13825. Maximum close packing can be seen in,
13826. Value of absolute zero is,
13827. The minimum energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an isolated gaseous atom is called its,
13828. Maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in a shell is,
13829. Which of the following is a unicellular green algae that is motile and with a light sensitive “eyespot”
13830. Plant hormone used in the ripening of fruits is
13831. A viral disease of plant that spreads through aphides in the following is
13832. Light sensitive proteinacious pigment in plant involved in photomorphogenesis is
13833. Flowering plants are included under the group
13834. Water and minerals are principally transported in angiosperms through
13835. Growth movement of plants in response to gravity is called
13836. Male reproductive organs of a flower are called
13837. The structure meant for the nourishment of developing embryo in a seed is
13838. The plant selected by G J Mendel for his genetic experiment is
13839. Deficiency of Tocopherol in human body leads to,
13840. Example for a uricotelic animal
13841. The part of brain which controls respiration
13842. Acromegaly is due to
13843. A child’s blood group is O.The parents blood group can not be
13844. The nitrogen base which pair with adenine in DNA
13845. Which one of the following is the most primitive ancestor of man ?
13846. Kala azar is a disease caused by
13847. Majority of Carbon dioxide in human body is transported to lungs
13848. Which of the following is a true fish ?
13849. One of the girls …………… a badminton player.
13850. I am clever,…..?
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