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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 438
21901. The carburetor, the fuel in the float bowl is kept at a constant level by the action of
21902. Carbon percentage is the same in cast iron and
21903. Which components help to control body roll when cornering or driving rough road
21904. Any short circuit in the armature winding tested with
21905. In order to be called steel, an alloy should have iron percentage greater than
21906. Nickel is a constituent of
21907. Soap kettle used in the production of laundry soap is made of
21908. Nickel made/clad equipments are suitable for handling
21909. Tubes of multiple effect evaporator used for concentration of sugar cane juice are made of
21910. In hot wire aneomometer used for gas flow measurement, the wire is normally made of
21911. The heat treatment process to which castings and the steel balls produced by cold heading are subjected is
21912. Mild steel is used for making
21913. Presence of 0.3 to 0.5% arsenic in copper increases its
21914. The heat treatment process applied to cold formed steel parts is
21915. The largest consumption of zinc for alloys is in the making of
21916. Plate and frame filter press is usually made of
21917. Ammonium chloride solution is stored/ treated in __________ vessels/pipes.
21918. Nickel and copper are the basic constituents of
21919. Copper has very low
21920. Hardest material so far found is
21921. Most suitable material of construction for the storage of concentrated nitric acid is
21922. The most resistant material to alkaline corrosion is
21923. Tin coating is not done by
21924. Stainless steel is not corroded by
21925. __________ is added in stainless steel to prevent inter crystal corrosion.
21926. Out of round brake drums causes the tires to wear
21927. Babbit metal is not a
21928. The primary function of lubrication is to
21929. Which of the following is the lightest of engineering metals ?
21930. Evaporators used in caustic soda recovery and production plant are made of
21931. With increase in carbide/graphite ratio in cast iron, its
21932. The fermentor used in the production of pencillin (by deep fermentation process) is made of
21933. Nickel (76%) and chromium (15%) alloys are termed as
21934. Low carbon steels are those in which carbon percentage is around
21935. White metal is an alloy of
21936. The carbonating tower used in Solvay process of soda ash manufacture is made of
21937. For platinum thermocouples, lead wires are made of
21938. High resistance electrical heating elements/wire are not made of
21939. An indication of ignition quality of a diesel fuel is given by
21940. Which one is remelted and poured into moulds to get cast iron ?
21941. Wood metal is not used for making
21942. An ideal material of construction for the storage of 50% caustic soda solution would be
21943. Which of the following is the hardest ?
21944. Which of the following alloy steels is the most suitable for making gun barrels and projectiles ?
21945. The process of heating the cold pressed metallic powder is called __________ in powder metallurgy.
21946. Sulphuric acid pickling tanks are lined with
21947. Valves in pipe size of 2" and under are normally made of
21948. Calorific value of diesel fuel is
21949. Which is an amorphous material ?
21950. In the Contact process of sulphuric acid manufacture, 98% acid cooler is made of
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