22251. Vycor, a widely used material for making 'thermal wells' in temperature measurement, is a
22252. 'Age hardening' of duralumin is due to
22253. __________ is a donor impurity for semi-conductors.
22254. Post weld heat treatment is done by
22255. How many atoms are there per unit cell in a body centred cubic lattice system ?
22256. Presence of cobalt in steel improves its
22257. In rack and pinion gear box the rack is attached to
22258. Nickel base alloys with __________ are known as monel metal.
22259. Wrought iron is having very high
22260. When iron is rusted, it is
22261. Containers made of high silicon cast iron (14% Si) are not suitable for the storage of
22262. How many molecules per unit cell are there in a face centred cubic lettice ?
22263. Which of the following comprises of hydrocarbons ?
22264. The behaviour of visco-elastic material is time dependent. This behaviour is common in __________ materials.
22265. Coke oven regenerators are made of __________ bricks.
22266. Which of the following is universally employed as the low expansion metal in the bimetallic thermometer, which is an iron-nickel alloy containing 36% nickel and has very low co-efficient of expansion (l/20th of ordinary metals) ?
22267. In steering linkage another name for the drag link is
22268. The purpose of nitriding the steel is to
22269. In continuous filtration (at a constant pressure drop), filtrate flow rate varies inversely as the
22270. For sizing of fine materials, the most suitable equipment is a
22271. Which of the following is not categorised as a "mechanical operation" ?
22272. Which of the following is a pressure filter ?
22273. Tabular bowl centrifuges as compared to disk bowl centrifuges
22274. Pebble mills are tumbling mills widely used for grinding in the manufacture of paints & pigments and cosmetic industries, where iron contamination in the product is highly objectionable. Pebbles used in pebble mill are made of
22275. Filter aids like asbestos, kieselguhr, diatomaceous earth etc. are used to increase the porosity of the final filter cake & reducing the cake resistance during filtration. Filter aid is
22276. Which of the following relationships between co-efficinet of friction (μ) between rock & roll and a (half of the angle of nip) of the particle to be crushed is correct ?
22277. Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the roll crushers.
22278. Which of the following is not an ultrafine grinder (colloid mill)?
22279. Two particles are called to be equal settling, if they are having the same.
22280. Which of the following is the most suitable for handling fibrous and dense slurries ?
22281. __________ centrifuge is normally used in sugar mills.
22282. Solid particles separation based on the difference in their flow velocities through fluids is termed as the
22283. Diatomaceous earth is a/an
22284. The distribution given by microscopic analysis of powder is
22285. Number of particles in a crushed solid sample is given by (where, m = mass of particles in a sample, Vp = volume of one particle, ρ= density of particles)
22286. For a non-spherical particle, the sphericity
22287. In washing type plate and frame filter press, the ratio of washing rate to the final filtrate rate is
22288. Ball mills and tube mills with flint or porcelain balls are used for size reduction of
22289. Size reduction of __________ is accomplished in steam heated rollers and roll crushers.
22290. The capacity of a belt conveyor depends upon two factors. If one is the cross-section of the load, the other is the __________ of the belt.
22291. Which of the following is not a part of the Blake jaw crusher?
22292. If a force greater than that of gravity is used to separate solids & fluids of different densities, the process is termed as the
22293. Filter aid is used to
22294. Which of the following mineral dressing operations is termed as 'comminution'?
22295. The capacity of a pneumatic conveying system depends upon the
22296. Which part of the tyre contact with the road surface when the wheel rolls?
22297. Gravity settling process is not involved in the working of a
22298. Froth floatation is the most suitable for treating
22299. The energy required per unit mass to grind limestone particles of very large size to 100 μm is 12.7 kWh/ton. An estimate (using Bond's law) of the energy to grind the particles from a very large size to 50 μrn is
22300. Which of the following is the most suitable for cleaning of fine coal dust (<0.5 mm) ?