25751. Depending on the chemical composition and mechanical properties, iron may be classified as
25752. Wrought iron contains carbon about
25753. The main constituent of fly-ash, is
25754. Bitumen in
25755. The plastics made from cellulose resin
25756. Kaolin is chemically classified as
25757. Which one of the following is acid resistant asbestos:
25758. Due to attack of dry rot, the timber
25759. Brittleness of cold is due to an excess of
25760. For the manufacture of Portland cement, the proportions of raw materials used, are
25761. Asbestos cement
25762. Gniess is obtained from
25763. The rocks formed by gradual deposition, are called
25764. Galvanising means covering iron with a thin coat of
25765. For preparing porcelains, the clay should be
25766. Polymerization helps to improve the property of
25767. Good quality stones must
25768. Sewer pipes are made of
25769. Fibre glass
25770. United Nations International Female Peacekeeper Award winner of 2014
25771. Who is the Chancellor of the National University of Advanced Legal Studies of Kerala(NUALS)?
25772. The commonly used colour pigment in paints, is
25773. Varnish is a transparent or semi-transparent solution of resinuous substances in
25774. Initial setting time of cement for asbestos cement products should be not less than
25775. The variety of pig iron used for the manufacture of steel by Bessemer process, is
25776. For melting one tonne of cast iron
25777. For filling cracks in masonry structures, the type of bitumen used, is
25778. Plastic
25779. Vanadium steel is generally used for
25780. Lord Mayo,the British Viceroy of India was assassinated by Shere Ali in 1872 at
25781. The process of manufacturing steel by heating short lengths of wrought iron bars mixed with charcoal in fire clay crucibles and collecting the molten iron into moulds, is known as
25782. The rocks in which argil (or clay) predominates, are called
25783. A badly mixed cement concrete results in
25784. Pick up the correct statement regarding low heat cement from the following:
25785. Chemically, marble is known as
25786. Inner part of a timber log surrounding the pitch, is called
25787. The filler used in plastic bitumen, is
25788. Resins are
25789. Refractory bricks are used for
25790. Expanded metal is
25791. The rock generally used for roofing, is
25792. Apiece of sawn timber whose cross-sectional dimensions exceed 5 cm, in one direction and 20 cm in the other direction, is called a
25793. Quick lime (or caustic lime)
25794. Who criticized the Catherine Mayo’s work Mother India as “report of a drain inspector sent out with the one purpose of opening and examining the drains of the country to be reported upon”?
25795. Name the type of cement from the following for canal linings :
25796. Mastic asphalt is generally used for
25797. Black marble is generally found in the district of
25798. The most fire resistant paints are :
25799. If P is the percentage of water required for normal consistency, water to be added for determination of initial setting time, is