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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 516
25801. A good brick earth should contain :
25802. The commonly used lime in white washing, is
25803. Shingle is
25804. Pick up the plutonic rock from the following:
25805. The lime which contains mainly calcium oxide and slacks with water, is
25806. Seasoning is
25807. Inhaling of fly-ash over a long period causes
25808. Minimum required water cement ratio for a workable concrete, is
25809. Rocks formed due to alteration of original structure due to heat and excessive pressure are called
25810. The compound of Portland cement which contributes to the strength after two to three years is
25811. For slaking of 10 kg of CaO, the theoretical amount of water is
25812. Pick up the correct statement from the following: Method of sawing timber
25813. Clay and silt content in a good brick earth must be at least
25814. Bessemer process is used for the manufacture of
25815. The portion of the brick without a triangular corner equal to half the width and half the length, is called
25816. The standard size of masonry bricks, is
25817. Which one of the following is an air binding material ?
25818. A good quality stone absorbs water less than
25819. The following are the Presidents of Indian National Congress except
25820. Plywood is made from
25821. Soundness test of cement determines
25822. The slag which floats on the surface of the molten iron generally contains
25823. Minimum of 40% of iron, is available in
25824. If the iron ore contains clay as an impurity, the flux added during calcination, is
25825. Cement is said to be of good quality if
25826. Cast steel is manufactured by
25827. For the manufacture of plywood, veneers are placed so that grains of adjacent veneers
25828. A 1st class brick immersed in water for 24 hours, should not absorb water (by weight) more than
25829. The proportions of charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur in gun powder by weight, are respectively:
25830. Geologically, marble is known as
25831. The commonly used drying oil for oil paints, is
25832. Initial setting of cement is caused due to
25833. The foliated structure is very common in
25834. Turpentine oil is used in paints as
25835. The hardest rock is
25836. The silica is used for preparing
25837. Wrought iron is manufactured from pig iron by
25838. The National fruit of Pakistan is
25839. Fibre boards can be
25840. The first Bank in India got ISO certificate
25841. Portland pozzolana cement possesses
25842. Iron ore may contain
25843. Wrought iron is used for
25844. The timber having maximum resistance against white ants, is obtained from
25845. Knots in timber are
25846. യുജിസി നിലവിൽവന്ന വർഷമേത്? [Yujisi nilavilvanna varshameth?]
25847. Lime concrete is generally used for
25848. Bituminous fells are used for
25849. The minimum compressive strength of Ilnd class bricks should be
25850. Stuco paints are suitable for
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