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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 517
25851. Which is the Headquarters of the Central Institute of Agriculture Engineering?
25852. Quick setting cement is produced by adding
25853. Duco is one of the patent forms of
25854. The first planet to be discovered with a telescope was
25855. Bulking of sand is caused due to
25856. The normal curing period for lime mortar, is:
25857. The type of steel used for precision levelling staff, is
25858. During pudding
25859. German silver is an alloy of
25860. ”Navodhanathinte Suryathejus”is the biography of
25861. Pick up correct statement from the following:
25862. Quartzite, a metamorphic stone is
25863. Which organization raised slogan”Land to Tillers”?
25864. Dextrin is
25865. Formula for quick lime, is
25866. For the manufacture of stainless steel, steel is mixed with
25867. Stones used for ornamental work must be
25868. The northern most river in Kerala is
25869. The presence of original rounded surface on the manufactured piece of timber, is called
25870. Smith's test of stones is performed to find out
25871. The cracks caused by shrinkage of the exterior surface of the wood exposed to atmosphere, are called:
25872. The process of decarbonising the pig iron completely and then adding proper percentage of carbon for manufacturing steel, is called
25873. In paints, the pigment is responsible for
25874. The operation of removal of impurities or clay adhering to iron ores, is known as
25875. If water required for 1 bag of cement is 30 litres, the water cement ratio is :
25876. Portland cement manufactured from pure white chalk and clay but free from iron-oxide, is known as
25877. Dry rot
25878. Which one of the following polymers is obtained from condensation polymerization ?
25879. The weight of 1 m3 of brick earth, is about
25880. Pozzolana (or surkhi) is used in lime
25881. ”A heart shaped lake”is one of the major tourist attractive place in KeralIt situated in
25882. Mastic asphalt is normally used for
25883. Lime stone is not a
25884. The size of modular bricks, is
25885. A piece of timber whose thickness and width are respectively 5 cm and 10 cm is called
25886. Pig iron is manufactured from the ores by
25887. Quick lime
25888. Age of a tree may be ascertained by
25889. The portion of a brick cut to form angles other than right angles in plan, is known as
25890. The helpdesk and short stay homes project of Kudumbasree Mission launched in 2013 titled as
25891. Plywood is obtained by gluing wooden sheets at
25892. The low voltage porcelain is mainly used for
25893. Putty is
25894. The initial setting time of hydraulic lime, is
25895. PVC stands for
25896. Generally wooden moulds are made from
25897. Cement paints usually
25898. The cement becomes unsound by the presence of excess
25899. The kiln which may work throughout the year, is
25900. The minimum compressive strength of 1st class bricks should be
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