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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 633

31651. 'Cowl' is provided at

31652. The sewer which transports the sewage to the point of treatment, is called

31653. Kjedahl nitrogen is a mixture of

31654. The boundary between India and China is known as:

31655. The state known as 'Granary of India

31656. You are asked to design sewer pipes of diameters 0.4 m to 0.9 m at maximum flow, you will assume the sewer flow running at

31657. The constituent assembly was elected indirectly by?

31658. For sewer mains of 0.5 to 1 m diameter, the ratio of maximum daily sewage flow to the average daily sewage flow is assumed

31659. Sewer pipes need be checked for

31660. If D.O. concentration falls down to zero in any natural drainage, it indicates the zone of

31661. The ratio of design discharge to the surface area of a sedimentation tank is called

31662. Which of the following creatures has metamorphosis?

31663. In the activated sludge process

31664. The minimum diameter of a sewer is kept

31665. The minimum diameter of sewer to be adopted is

31666. To test chemical oxygen demand (C.O.D.) of sewage, organic matter is oxidised by pottassium dichromate in the presence of

31667. The discharge per unit plan area of a sedimentation tank, is generally called

31668. ‘Rajiv Gandhi Sadh Bhavana’ Award is given on which day?

31669. D is the diameter of a circular sewer and α is the side of a square section sewer. If both are hydraulically equivalent, the relationship which holds good, is

31670. For detecting the nitrites in the sewage, the matching colour may be developed by adding

31671. The suitable cross-section of sewers to carry combined flow, is

31672. Hazin's formula is used for the settlement velocity of the particles of diameter

31673. If the diameter of a sewer is 100 mm, the gradient required for generating self cleansing velocity, is

31674. Stone ware pipes are

31675. Skimming tanks are

31676. Pick out the most effective word from the choices. If he had applied for the post ..........?

31677. Assertion (A) : The determination of pH value of sewerage is important. Reason (R) : The efficiency of certain treatment methods depends upon the availability of pH value.

31678. With self cleansing velocity in sewers

31679. Aerobic activity is maximum

31680. In sewers designed with self cleansing velocity,

31681. Which one of the following resists hydrogen sulphide corrosion

31682. The sewerage system consists of

31683. Hume steel pipes are

31684. Drop manholes are the manholes

31685. Boussinesq's equation for ascertaining unit pressure at a depth H on sewers due to traffic loads, is

31686. The laying of sewers is done with

31687. The rational formula for peak drainage discharge, was evolved by

31688. The sewage treatment in septic tanks is due to

31689. In 1000 kg of sewage, the total solids approximate

31690. Pathogens (or pathogentic bacterias) in water may cause

31691. Sewer manholes are generally provided at

31692. The sewers

31693. Before discharging the foul sewage into rivers, it is generally treated by

31694. The settlement of a particle in sedimentation tank, is affected by

31695. If the length of overland flow from the critical point to the mouth of drain is 13.58 km and difference in level between the critical point and drain mouth is 10 m, the inlet time is

31696. Oxidation process results in the formation of

31697. Dry weather flow is :

31698. As compared to fresh river water, sea water contains oxygen

31699. The settlement velocity of a solid (diameter 0.5 mm, specific gravity 1.75) in water having temperature 10°C, is

31700. If γw is the unit weight of water, r the hydraulic mean depth of the sewer and S the bed slope of the sewer, then the tractive force exerted by flowing water, is

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