33351. Which of the following is a computer memory that can be programmed once, but not reprogrammed.
33352. A programming language intended to solve a no. of different types of problems is
33353. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?
33354. A program used to detect overall system malfunction is
33355. A computer, by definition, is any device that computers. This broad definition includes which of the following?
33356. What was the computer conceived by Babbage?
33357. A acronym for the organisation that publishes programming language standard is
33358. Which of the following is used to make a programs run when the computer is switched on.
33359. A micro processor chip used in a PC system
33360. ILLIAC is a
33361. An electrical inter-connection that permit 8 or more bits of data to be moved in the same instant of time is called
33362. The hardware in which data may be stored for a computer system is called
33363. Conversion of an octal number 738 to binary number is
33364. Software that's loaded into a computer primary storage area is known as
33365. Which of the following are the building blocks of all the circuits in a computer.
33366. How many symbols exist in Baudot code?
33367. Which gate sends on a pulse when it receives one at either or both of its terminals.
33368. A circuit which can store information is known as
33369. Where was the India's first computer installed and when?
33370. A language based on graphics for use in education is
33371. Non-volatility is an important advantage of
33372. Which company produces processors for the Apple Macintosh?
33373. The essential features of a number system are
33374. Which of the following high speed non¬impact printers are fast enough to print the entire book in about 1 minute.
33375. An identifying label on the first record of magnetic tape is
33376. Super computers are primarily useful for
33377. A reflective marker that indicates the end of the usable tape is
33378. Which of the following are not likely to be found on a PC main circuit board
33379. A specific part of an arithmetic & logic unit that is used to perform the operation of multiplication is
33380. Which of the following is used for input and output both
33381. Character readers are those devices which read the characters printed on the source documents and then convert them directly into computer-usable input. Which of the following is not a character reader?
33382. SPSS stands for
33383. An Integrated Circuit (IC) is
33384. The 2's complement number of 110010 is
33385. The purpose of an application program is to
33386. Which of the following translate back from machine code something resembling the source language
33387. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtract, multiply, divide and find square roots?
33388. Serial access memories are useful in applications where
33389. A six - digit card field used for postal ZIP codes is defined as
33390. The octal equivalent of the number 11010.1011 is
33391. Super-computers
33392. A special type of device which uses an ordinary telephone with a computer is
33393. The first electronic general purpose digital computer built by Mauchly and Eckert called ENIAC did not work on the stored program principle. How many numbers could it store in its internal memory?
33394. A hand-held device for optically reading bar codes on goods, labels & shelves is
33395. In analog computer
33396. The decimal equivalent of the binary number 11100001111 is
33397. A disk storage medium in the form of an assembly containing a single rigid magnetic disk permenently is
33398. The benefit of using computers are that
33399. Which is a Common-Business oriented language.
33400. Software instructions intended to satisfy a user's specific processing needs are called _____.