chemical-engineering-nuclear-power-engineering Related Question Answers

76. Which of the following is the best nuclear fuel?

77. Which of the following nuclear reactors is the most efficient thermodynamically while operating between the same temperature and pressure limits of the reactor ?

78. Which of the following accounts for the maximum energy release in the nuclear fission process ?

79. In a pressurised water reactor (PWR), the

80. Liquid metal (e.g, . molten sodium) is preferred as a coolant in case of a/an __________ reactor.

81. Coolant used in a boiling water reactor is

82. A thermal nuclear reactor compared to a fast breeder reactor

83. The phenomenon of nuclear fission is opposite to that of

84. An ideal coolant for a nuclear reactor should

85. The size of an atom is of the order of one

86. 'Light water' used as a coolant in nuclear reactor is nothing but

87. Isotopes of an element have different

88. The emission of an a-particle causes the resultant nucleus to have

89. Solar energy results from __________ reaction.

90. In nuclear reactions, __________ number is conserved.

91. The molecular weight of heavy water is

92. Which of the following is not a good moderating material ?

93. Plutonium

94. A control rod

95. Number of secondary neutron emitted on fission of an atom of U-235 by slow neutron bombardment is

96. Enriched uranium means that, it contains

97. The radioisotope used to study the thyroid gland is

98. The mass number of an element is equal to the number of __________ in the nucleus.

99. The half life period of a radioactive element depends upon the

100. Fuel for a fast breeder reactor is

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