civil-engineering-soil-mechanics-and-foundation-engineering Related Question Answers

226. The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was set up in?

227. 'Loess' is silty clay formed by the action of

228. The maximum possible value nf dry density is referred to as

229. The void ratio of the soil sample stated in Q. No. 216, is

230. The bulk density of the soil sample stated in Q. No. 11.243, is

231. Failure of a slope occurs only when total shear force is

232. Cohesionless soil is

233. The shearing force acting along the slice of a curved surface of slippage, causes the soil to slide

234. The seepage exit gradient in a soil is the ratio of

235. Sedimentation analysis is based on the assumption:

236. Indo-Norwegin project?

237. The maximum pressure which a soil can carry without shear failure, is called

238. For general engineering purposes, soils are classified by

239. If there is no impervious boundary at the bottom of a hydraulic structure, stream lines tend to follow :

240. The change of moisture content of soils, changes the

241. A failure wedge develops if a retaining wall

242. For determining the ultimate bearing capacity of soil, the recommended size of a square bearing plate to be used in load plate test should be 30 to 75 cm square with a minimum thickness of

243. The water content in a soil sample when it continues to loose weight without loosing the volume, is called

244. The first Governor-General of Bengal was?

245. When a cohesionless soil attains quick condition, it looses

246. Pick up the correct definition from the following:

247. In a liquid limit test, the moisture content at 10 blows was 70% and that at 100 blows was 20%. The liquid limit of the soil, is

248. The active earth pressure of a soil is proportional to (where φ is the angle of friction of the soil)

249. The minimum water content at which the soil just begins to crumble when rolled into threads 3 mm in diameter, is known

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