civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

801. The first session of the constituent assembly was held at?

802. An isosceles triangular plate of base 3 m and altitude 3 m is immersed vertically in an oil of specific gravity 0.8. The base of the plate coincides with the free surface of oil. The centre of pressure will lie at a distance of (from free surface)

803. Consider the following statements regarding the swedish circle method of analysing stability of slopes : 1. It is a general method of analysing stability of slopes. 2. It satisfied only the overall moment equation of equilibirum. 3. It considers the forces action on the sides of individual slices. 4. It gives a factor of safety which are on the safeside. Of the statements :

804. A pin-jointed truss is loaded as shown in the given figure. The force in member CE is

805. What type of noise can be abated by providing lining on walls and ceiling with sound absorbing material?

806. Which of the following treatment(s) will be indicated for a rural water supply from a deep groundwater source ? 1. Sedimentation. 2. Alum dosage. 3. Potassium permanganate dosing. 4. Bleaching powder application. Select the correct answer using the codes given below :

807. Maximum gross take-off weight of an aircraft is

808. For a circular column having its ends hinged, the slenderness ratio is 160. The l/d ratio of the column is

809. A green leaf appears green because?

810. In the PERT analysis, which one of the following is followed by the time estimate of activities and probability of either occurrance ?

811. The cable for a prestressed concrete simply supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load over the entire span should ideally be :

812. The effort 'P' to be applied horizontally to pull a weight 'W' on a plane inclined at an angle α with the horizontal is given by (tan θ is the coefficient of friction)

813. If two triangulation signals of 6.75 m height each, are to be just visible over ground mutually, what is the maximum distance between their locations on the ground surface ?

814. The approximate proportion of dry cement mortar required for brick work is

815. The waste stabilization ponds can be

816. The changes that take place during the process of consolidation of a saturated clay would include

817. Consider the following statements : 1. Water hammer can develop in an unsteady flow only. 2. Time required for rapid closure of valve is between 2 L/C and 4 L/C where L is the pipe length and C is the celerity of wave. 3. In flexible water column theory, pipe may expand and water may compress in the flow system. 4. Joukowskyhas carried out the mathematical analysis of water hammer. Which is the above statements relating to water hammer in pipes are correct ?

818. It is required to determine by periodical soundings, the rate at which silting or scouring is taking place in a harbour. Which one of the following methods is best suited for locating the positions of the soundings?

819. For the motion represented by the graph shown in the given figure, the numerical value of velocity , when acceleration will be

820. A star is observed at its upper culmination when it is north of zenith. The latitude of the place of observation is 30°N and declination of the star is 50°N. The zenith distance of the star is

821. For flow under a sluice gate where the upstream depth is 1.2 m and the depth at vena contracta is 0.3 m, the discharge per meter width would be nearly

822. At what value of saturation does the zero air voids curve in a compaction test represent the dry density?

823. Which steel member section among the following combinations can carry maximum load ?

824. The saturated and dry densities of a soil are respectively 2000 kg/m3 and 1500 kg/m3. The water content (in percentage) of the soil in the saturated state would be

825. The beam ABC shown in the given figure is horizontal. The distance to the point of contraflexure from the fixed end 'A' is

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