civil-engineering-upsc-civil-service-exam-questions Related Question Answers

926. In the cantilever truss shown in the given figure, the reaction at A is

927. The degree of indeterminacy of the beam given in the given figure is

928. She is unhappy because he.........any friends.?

929. A torsion member is fabricated from two concentric thin tubes. At the ends, the tubes are welded to rigid discs so that both the tubes are twisted as a unit. The radius of the outer tube is 2r and that of the inner tube is r. If the shear stresses developed in the outer tube is τ, then the shear stress in the inner tube will be.

930. Who conquered the land between Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal?

931. A mild steel flat of width 120 mm and thickness 10 mm is bent into an arc of a circle of radius 10 m by applying a pure moment 'M' If E is 2 x 105 N/mm2, then the magnitude of the pure moment 'M' will be

932. The deflection at the free end of a uniformly loaded cantilever of length 1 m is 7.5 mm. What is the slope at the free end ?

933. What will be the curve lead for a 1 in 8 1/2 turnout taking off from a straight broad gauge track?

934. A timber beam of 100 mm width and 200 mm depth is reinforced with two steel plates of 100 mm width and 5 mm thickness as shown in figures. Which one of the following statements is correct for the same value of bending stress in the timber ?

935. The following statements relate to the pressure exerted by a fluid on a Submerged curved surface : 1. The vertical component of hydrostatic force acting on a submerged curved surface acts through the centre of volume of the fluid directly above the submerged area. 2. The horizontal component of the force acting on a curved surface is the hydrostatic force acting on the vertical projection of the curved surface. 3. The resultant force on a curved surface acts on the bottom of th6 curved surface. Of these statements :

936. The lost time due to starting delay on a traffic signal is noted to be 3s, the actual green time is 25s and yellow time is 3s. How much is the effective green time ?

937. Consider the following locations of a turnout: 1. Tongue rail 2. Lead rail 3. Toe of switch 4. Crossing. Which is the correct sequence for a train to pass over the turnout from the facing direction?

938. Which among the following award given to the distinguished Sportsmen/women in India?

939. Given that Plasticity Index (PI) of local soil = 15 and PI of sand = zero, for a desired PJ of 6, the percentage of sand in the mix should be

940. Two closely-coiled springs A and B of the same material, same wire and same number of turns are subjected to an axial load of W. The mean diameter of spring A is half that of spring B. The ratio of deflection of spring B to that of spring A will be

941. “The Little Corporal” is the alternative name given to?

942. What are leaping weirs ?

943. Why are gate valves provided in distribution system ?

944. While designing the superelevation of a highway, its maximum value is fixed considering the need to

945. The map projection in which the angle between any pair of short lines is represented correctly is called

946. At a Tee-Junction between a lVa brick wall and a 1 brick wall, one uses a

947. A symmetrical three-hinged parabolic arch of span L and rise h is hinged at springings and crown. It is subjected to a. U.d.l. W throughout the span. Which the banding moment at a section L/4 from the left support.

948. Sheep-foot rollers are recommended for compacting

949. Buddhism split up into the Hinayana and Mahayana sects at the Buddhist Council held during the reign of?

950. The portal frame shown in the given figure is statically indeterminate to the

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