current-affairs-2017-05-18 Related Question Answers

1. India and this country signs an agreement of legal framework for sharing of information and intelligence between the Customs authorities.

2. Proxima B is orbiting about _____ light years from Earth to have liquid water and support alien life.

3. Which organisation created the India's first smart grid project, which will generate power from renewable sources of energy?

4. Which state government recently passed the GST bill?

5. Which railway station tops in the cleanest station among the 75 busiest stations in India?

6. Which company is named as the most valuable brand in India?

7. Kotak Mahindra Bank has enabled end to end trade financing for one of its clients by utilising which of the given technology?

8. For which, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved recently?

9. The Indian scientist Shrinivas Kulkarni has won the ___________ prize for his contribution in the field of astronomy.

10. Which city will host the 14th Goods & Services Tax (GST) Council?

11. India's first ornamental fish park to come up in which state?

12. Which mobile network signed the agreements with Facebook and MobiKwik to popularise the internet?

13. Which private sector bank appoint Debjani Ghosh as an additional director?

14. What is the name of the Indian climber who successfully climbs Mt Lhotse at first?

15. Who is nominated for the Whitley Award recently?

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