technical-drawing-traditional-drafting-techniques Related Question Answers

1. In order to convert fractional inches into decimal inches ________.

2. We ......... meat for the lunch today.?

3. Referring to the fractional inches to decimal inches to millimeter conversion chart on page 55 what is the equivalent mm measurement of 3/16 inch.

4. Some traditional board drafters preferred the drafting machine over the parallel straight edge because it could be used without the need for________.

5. The first step in creating a traditional technical drawing is to ________.

6. With some imagination, traditional drafters could actually produce a true 3-dimensional drawing.

7. The parallel straight edge can be used for aligning the paper as well as drawing horizontal lines.

8. Both the drafting machine and the parallel straight edge were used on specially designed tables to aid the drafter in producing technical drawings.

9. When using a technical pencil to create a drawing the drafter would usually select a soft lead to create a very light line.

10. A line to be drawn perpendicular to a horizontal line can only be drawn with a 45 degree triangle.

11. An architect's scale is divided into 10ths of an inch.

12. A drafter can use the 45 degree triangle to draw a 30 degree line.

13. Every drafter and engineer continues to utilize both the architect and engineer's scales.

14. Prior to the development of computer aided drafting, drafters relied on drawing boards, paper, and pencils to create technical drawings.

15. A 15 degree line can be easily created by arranging both the 45 degree and 30/60 degree triangles.

16. A half-moon protractor is divided into how many degrees?

17. A line drawn with a long section, short dash, and another long section is a ________.

18. Traditional drafters need to be able to create several different line widths because ________.

19. Several of the tools used in traditional drafting include the following:

20. A civil engineer working on a bridge design would probably rely on his ________ scale for checking printed drawings.

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