Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

301. Which compound is known as white vitriol?

ZnSO4 7H2 O

302. Which presents the most significant feature of Indus Valley Civilization?

Burnt brick buildings

303. Epistemology is the study of what?


304. Which are the “Horn of Africa”?

Ethiopia; Djibouti; Somalia

305. Which is the largest Committee of the Parliament?

The Estimates Committee

306. Which is adapted to grow in dry places?


307. Israel has common borders with which countries?

Lebanon; Syria; Turkey and Jordan

308. Which is not plantation crop?


309. Where did the Pallava kings make of rock-cut temples?


310. Where can you find London bridge today?

USA ( Arizona )

311. What minimum number of non-zero non-collinear vectors is required to produce a zero vector?


312. Pakistan which rejoined the Commonwealth; had pulled itself out it in which year?


313. Which dynasty was ruling over North India at the time of Alexander’s invasion?


314. How can one can distinguish a telescope from a microscope?

By observing size of the lens

315. Which rays are most penetrating?


316. By which algae is Nitrogen fixation done?

Blue-green algae

317. Which treated as artificial currency?


318. Which metal is extracted by thermal reduction process?


319. The ‘Grand Trunk Road’ connects which cities?

Kolkata and Amritsar

320. Which is the river with highest tidal bore in India?


321. In the short run; a producer;’ how long continues his production?

Fixed cost

322. The longest circle which can be drawn on the earth’s surface passes through where?


323. The International Court of Justice was established in which year?


324. By whom is the conditions of service and tenure of the Election Commissioner prescribed?


325. Under which Sultan; Khalisa land increased considerably?

Alauddin Khilji
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