Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

651. Which decade is celebrated as First International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People?


652. In the earth’s atmosphere; what changes in the atmospheric pressure?

Decreases with height

653. What is the Jharkhand’s contribution in the total coal production in India?


654. The name of Geoff Bycott is associated with which game?


655. Which writ may be issued to enforce a Fundamental Right?

Habeas Corpus

656. Long distance short-wave radio broad casting uses which waves?

Ionospheric wave

657. How many wickets Kapil Dev had taken in Test matches when he retired?


658. Which country is the world’s largest producer of coal?


659. Which is the World’s largest producer of wool?


660. When did Bahmani Kingdom in South India extinguish?

In beginning of 16th century

661. A person who lives exclusively on milk; egg and bread is likey to become a victim of which desease?


662. The ‘Chilka lake region’ lies in between the deltas of which rivers– ?

Mahahadi and Godavari

663. In which reign was the first Buddhist Council held?


664. Which disease is caused by the bite of a mad dog?


665. Which is used as a mordant in dying and tanning industry?

Magnesium sulphate

666. Among Indian Economists who had done pioneering work on National Income?

V. K. R. V. Rao

667. By which Amendment; the power to amend the Constitution was specifically conferred upon the Parliament?


668. Under VAT; how many slabs are there?


669. The important fishing areas called Grand Bank and Georges Bank located in which region?

North-west Atlantic1

670. Vikramasila Mahavihara was established by the ruler of which dynasty?

Pal Dynasty

671. In which year was Tax collection of Central govt. lowest as compare to G.D.P.?


672. Which God with three heads and horns; surrounded by animals; represented on a seal from Mohenjodaro?


673. By whom was the Persian style of Sabaq-i-Hindi adopted?

Amir Khusrau

674. From which states does the River Godavari flows through?

Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh

675. Word Bull and Big are associated with which branch of commercial activity?

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