Objective-General-Knowledge Related Question Answers

226. Who has written the famous book ‘Mankind and Mother Earth?

Bertrand Russell

227. Theosophist; educationist and Indian’ national leader’. To whom is this description?

Annie Besant

228. Planning in India derives its objectives from which policy?

Directive Principles of State policy

229. Which oceans does not have a north south submarine ridge?

Pacific ocean

230. In which does the subject of Co-operative Societies fall?

Concurrent List

231. Which transition metal is in liquid state?


232. Which sea in without a coast line?

Saragossa sea

233. What is the average fat content in buffalow milk?


234. Which metal is non toxic in nature?


235. Who appoints the Chairman of the UPSC?


236. In which part was the Nagar style of architecture develop mostly?

South India

237. Entamoeba histolytica is found in which part of man?


238. Uplift of the backward classes was the main programme of which famay?

Satyashodhak Samaj

239. Ictheologists study what?


240. Which Judge of the Supreme Court was unsuccessfully sought to be impeached?

Justice Ramaswami

241. What is the study of the interaction of antigens and antibodies called?


242. Manav Seva Award has been instituted in the memory of which person?

Rajiv Gandhi

243. In which place was Asia’s first Export Processing Zone (EPZ) set up?


244. How many High Courts in India have jurisdiction over more than one State (Union Territories not included)?


245. The Upanishads were translated into Persian by the orders of which ruler?

Dara Shikoh

246. Which decade is celebrated as First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty?


247. The World Cup Cricket Twenty-20 title in the 2012 was won by why country?


248. ‘Parsec’ is the unit of measurement of which distance?

Astronomical distance

249. Who said; “Ram and Rahim are the two different name of the same God”?


250. Most of the digestion occur in which part of alimentory canal of man?

Small intestine
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