Constitution-of-India-Objective Related Question Answers

326. Which famous bengali artists have a great contribution in designing of Indian constitution?

Nandalal Bose including Beohar Rammanohar Sinha

327. Which is the official language of Nagaland.?


328. Which is the official language of the State of Jammu and Kashmir?


329. Which judicial body worked under Government of India act?

Federal Court of India worked under Government of India Act 1935

330. Which most important feature made Indian Constitution unique to any constitution of the world?

Indian constitution is the only longest written constitution in the world ever

331. Which of the following categories of members are represented in the Legislative Council of a State?

332. Which one & only body has the right to amend the Constitution of India?


333. Which part of constitution contains the Directive Principles of State Policy?

Part IV

334. Which Part of Constitution indicates the relation between States and Union territories of India?

Part I

335. Which part of constitution indicates the relation between the Union and States?

Part XI

336. Which part of constitution is related to statutory povisions for Panchayet Raj in villages?

Part 9

337. Which Prime Ministers did not face the Union Parliament even once?

Charan Singh

338. Which schedule of the Constitution make special provisions for the administration and control of scheduled Areas and Scheduled Tribes?

Fifth Schedule

339. Which schedule of the Constitution makes provisions for the administration of Tribal Areas of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram?

Sixth Schedule

340. Which Union territory send their members to the Council of States?

Pondicherry and Delhi

341. Which was the illegal socialist leaflet that was circulated during the Quit India movement?

The freedom struggle front

342. Which was the major political party having maximum seats in Constituent Assembly?


343. Who acted as the Prime Minister of India immediately on the death of Jawaharlal Nehru?

Gulzari Lal Nanda

344. Who acts as the President of India when neither the President nor the Vice-President is available?

Chief Justice of India

345. Who administers the oath of office to the Vice- President of India?

President of India

346. Who appoints Secretary General of the Lok Sabha?


347. Who appoints the Chairman and other members of the UPSC(Union Public Service Commission)?


348. Who appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General(CAG)?

President appoints the Comptroller and Auditor General of India

349. Who appoints the members of Council of Ministers?

President on advice of the Prime Minister

350. Who appoints Vice President of India?

The Electoral College of India
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