58001. Which two rows represent identical binary numbers?
58002. How many input-output ports can be accessed by direct method of 8085 μp?
58003. The binary equivalent of 4096.90625 is
58004. When two 16-input multiplexers drive a 2-input MUX, what is the result?
58005. Two voltages are -5 V and -10 V. In positive logic
58006. In floating point number 0110100000010101, the exponent is equal to __________ 10
58007. There are 4000 literates in a village 45% read Newspaper A and 65% read Newspaper B. 25% read neither A nor B. How many persons read both the newspapers?
58008. The advantage of using dual slope ADC in digital voltmeter is that
58009. Which multivibrator can be used as a clock timer?
58010. T-flip-flop is commonly used as
58011. Worst case efficiency of binary search is
58012. For the switch circuit, taking open as 0 and closed as 1, the expression for the circuit is Y. Y is given by
58013. Assuming accumulator contain A 64 and the carry is set (1).What will register A and (CY) contain after RAR?
58014. Equipment using BCD numbers
58015. Who is the founder of Salvation Army?
58016. In a microprocessor system the stack is used for
58017. In N channel MOSFET with gate reverse biased, the gate current is of the order
58018. In 8085 microprocessor, a RIM instruction is used to
58019. The digit F in hexadecimal system is equivalent to number __________ in decimal system.
58020. In level clocking the output can change
58021. Which family of logic circuits uses field effect transistors?
58022. An encoder converts decimal numbers to binary and other codes.
58023. Examine the following truth table. The product of sum from this truth table is
58024. K maps can be drawn
58025. When a TTL is driving an CMOS gates it is necessary to ensure that
58026. What is the type of the algorithm used in solving the 8 Queens problem?
58027. For emitter-couple logic, the switching speed is very high because
58028. Subroutines are used in larger programs not
58029. The circuit shown in figure converts
58030. The microprograms provided by a manufacturer to be used on his microprogrammed computer are generally called
58031. Out of multiplexer and demultiplexer, which has select inputs?
58032. What is the direction of address bus?
58033. Direct-memory-access channel facilitates data to move into and out of the system.
58034. The basic circuit configuration for TTL resembles that of a
58035. Time delay of a TTL standard family is about
58036. Assertion (A): Boolean expressions can be easily simplified using Karnaugh map.Reason (R): Karnaugh map can be drawn for minterms as well as max terms.
58037. In a flip flop which input determines the state to which output will transistion?
58038. In a synchronous counter all flip flops are clocked together.
58039. Assertion (A): The TTL output acts as a current sink in low state Reason (R): The TTL input current is largest in low state.
58040. The number of LED display indicators in logic probe are
58041. The time needed by a TTL circuit to switch from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 is about
58042. Assertion (A): R-2R ladder type DAC has higher speed of operation than weighted resistor DAC Reason (R): R-2R ladder type DAC uses only two different values of resistor network uses many different values of resistors
58043. Which of the following circuits can be used as parallel-to-series converter?
58044. RAM can be expanded to
58045. Large scale integration refers to
58046. Which of the following statements is not true in regard to storage time of a diode?
58047. Suppose a microprocessor has memory locations from 0000 to 3FFF, each storing I byte. How many bytes the memory can storing I bytes the memory can store?
58048. If the number of information bits is m, the number of parity bits p in the Hamming code is given by equation
58049. Which of the following is the least important consideration while selecting a logic technology?
58050. The logic circuit of the given figure realizes the function