62251. The standard FORTRAN exponential form of decimal number - 0.000000023 is
62252. Consider the following program for 8085
If initial contents of register D is decimal number 20, the final content of register D is
62253. Assertion (A): In C a variable name can have upto 8 characters and special symbols can also be part of variable name.Reason (R): In C a type declaration at the beginning of program indicates the type of variable name used in the program.
62254. A string constant in basic is
62255. Assertion (A): In 8085 when RESET OUT goes low processing begins. Reason (R): CPU remains reset till RESET IN signal goes high.
62256. In microprocessor 8088
62257. In 8085
62258. Assertion (A): Microprocessor 8085 has an 8 bit register called accumulator which stores intermediate answers during a computer operation.Reason (R): Accumulator can send or receive data.
62259. Assertion (A): Interfacing means synchronisation of digital information transmission between input output devices and computer.Reason (R): A computer with higher bit word size executes programs at a faster rate.
62260. IC 74181 is a 4 bit device.
62261. Which of the following instructions in 8085 does not belong to data transfer group?
62262. Which of the following buses does not exist in 8085?
62263. The sign of a floating point number depends on
62264. Assertion (A): A higher level language is less efficient that machine language but more efficient than assembly language.Reason (R): It is easier to learn and use higher level language than machine language.
62265. The accumulator drives the ALU.
62266. System bus is the communication channel between microprocessor and peripherals.
62267. Assertion (A): A dynamic RAM chip has much smaller cell than a static RAM chip.Reason (R): In dynamic RAM one bit of information is stored as the charge on a capacitor.
62268. Which of the following produces very wide drifts in clock frequency?
62269. For decimal numbe'r 13.5, the floating point representation in 4 byte excess 128 code is
62270. Read the following statements: A μP generally interfaced to several memory chips and I/O devicesAddress space provided by μP is partitioned into sub sets of addressesAddress map and address partition refer to different terms in address space Which of the above are correct?
62271. The register set and instruction set of 8088 is similar to that of
62272. Assertion (A): In direct addressing the address of operand is specified in the instruction.Reason (R): Direct addressing is also called absolute addressing.
62273. Assertion (A): In Fortran 77 the statement IMPLICIT INTEGER (A - E) identifies all variable name which begin with A, B, C, D, or E as being of integer type.Reason (R): IMPICIT statement in Fortran 77 is an improvement over earlier versions of Fortran.
62274. Which of the following assembler directives in 8085 does not cause any memory location to be used μp?
62275. The storage capacity of DSDD disk and DSHD disk are
62276. Which of the following is also called Non volatile RAM?
62277. In a microprocessor the clock signal
62278. Which of the following identifiers is invalid in Pascal?
62279. Computers 'Basic input output system' is generally stored in RAM chips.
62280. Turning the telescope in horizontal plane is called:
62281. If x = 0.1396 radians, the values of 1 - cos x and 2 sin2 (x / 2) using floating point arithmetic with a 4 digit mantissa are respectively
62282. The number of select lines in ALU 1C 74181 is
62283. In a computer MPU is the centre of all operations and control.
62284. Assertion (A): A RAM with access time of the order of hundreds of nano seconds is suitable for a control memory.Reason (R): The time taken to execute an operation in a microcomputer is critically de pendent on access time of control memory.
62285. The statement ! (b < 5) in C means
62286. Which data transfer scheme is used when large block of data is to be transferred in a computer?
62287. Fortran 77 has six arithmetic operators.
62288. Windows can run several tasks simultaneously.
62289. Assertion (A): 1C 74181 is an ALU in TTL 7400 series.Reason (R): 1C 74181 can accept two 4 bit words and can perform any one of possible 16 arithmetic or logic operations.
62290. The instruction LDA 20 in 8085 means
62291. Intel 2004 is a
62292. The programming language in which Excel records the macro code is
62293. The 8085 instruction LDA FFA is an example of
62294. A mP contains 2 MHz crystal. The time taken to complete instructions with 1000 cycles is
62295. Consider the following statement in Fortran 77
READ , (X.(I), I = 0, 4)
Which of the following is correct?
62296. Which of the following methods does not cause any reduction in instruction length?
62297. If N = 196, the result of the following program will be
INTEGER N, DIGIT 1, DIGIT 2, DIGIT 3, SUM READ, N DIGIT 1 = N - (N / 10) 10 N = N / 10 DIGIT 2 = N - (N / 10) 10 N = N / 10 DIGIT 3 = N - (N / 10) 10 SUM = DIGIT 1 + DIGIT 2 + DIGIT 3
62298. In 8085, which of the following registers cannot be paired?
62299. If the mantissa has a sign bit of 0 and the exponent is changed from a negative number to a more positive number the result is
62300. Which of the following statements in FORTRAN 77 is non executable?