25651. Rotary drilling is the fastest method in case of
25652. The type of pointing in which upper side of mortar joints is kept about 12 mm inside the face of the masonry and bottom is kept flushed with face of wall, is
25653. The steel pile which is generally sunk in soft clay or loose sand of low bearing capacity, is
25654. The stepped structure provided for lateral support of a structure, is
25655. In the method of tube boring of soil investigation, the following is essential :
25656. For each storey of a building, the depth of exploration should be
25657. Who was called the father of Taxonomy?
25658. Pile foundations are suitable for
25659. In verandah floors outward slope is
25660. A floor constructed with the 4 to 6 mm marble chips, is known
25661. In flat roof of reinforced cement concrete, the recommended angle of slope, is
25662. Safe bearing capacity of black cotton soil varies from
25663. Crown is located at
25664. The nominal thickness of an expansion joint in brick walls, is kept more than
25665. The nominal thickness of one brick wall in mm, is
25666. The pile which supports the load partly by friction and partly by resting on hard stratum, is called
25667. The sound which continues even after its source is cut off, is called
25668. Allpicha Mollakka is a character of the Malayalam Novel of
25669. Which of the following metal sheets is most effective in preventing dampness ?
25670. The least bearing capacity of soil is that of
25671. Hagupit,the most dangerous tropical cyclone affected the country in 2014
25672. The sill of a common wooden partition is
25673. Suitable spacing of timber piles, is
25674. The members which support covering material of a sloping roof, are
25675. An ordinary concrete may be made water proof by adding
25676. The Auger boring method is not suitable for
25677. The mortar in which both cement and lime are used as binding materials, is called
25678. The rock formed from the solidification of molten matter (magma) is called :
25679. The minimum width of a stair in residential buildings, is
25680. The bond in which headers and stretchers are laid in alternate courses and every stretcher course is started with a three fourth brick bat, is known as
25681. The vertical faces of a door opening which support frame of the door, are
25682. The type of pointing in which a V-shaped projection outside the wall surface, is provided, is called
25683. Who is the Present Lok Sabha Deputy Speaker of India?
25684. Pick up the correct statement about silt soil from the following :
25685. Headquarters of Medicins Sans Frontieres(MSF),an International Humanitarian Aid Non Governmental Organization
25686. The famous painting’Relief of Lucknow’painted by
25687. A pre-stressed concrete pile is
25688. The highest line of sloping roof, where two oposite slopes meet, is known as
25689. The vertical sides of a door and window openings provided in a wall, are known as
25690. The piece of a brick cut along the centre of width in such a way that its length is equal to that of full brick, is called
25691. A stair should not have pitch more than
25692. The window which is provided in flat roof of a room, is known
25693. Gravels
25694. A wooden block fixed on back side of a door frame on its post, is known as
25695. Brick nogging type of partition wall, is constructed by
25696. In high mountaneous region, the type of roof generally recommended for buildings, is
25697. The stone masonry of finely dressed stones laid in cement or lime, is
25698. The process of filling hollow spaces of walls before plastering, is known
25699. The stone blocks approximately triangular in shape, used as steps, are known
25700. A concrete structure is set on fire and the temperature raises to 1000°C. The strength of concrete as compared to original strength reduces to