29601. When was the decimal system of currency introduced in India?
29602. An imaginary line lying throughout on the surface of the earth and preserving a constant inclination to the horizontal, is called
29603. An angles of 45° with a chain line may be set out with
29604. Choose the correct tag question:Don’t make any noise,-----------?
29605. The imaginary line passing through the intersection of cross hairs and the optical centre of the objective, is known as
29606. A dumpy level was set up at mid-point between pegs A and B, 80 m apart and the staff readings were 1.32 and 1.56. When the level was set up at a point 10 m from A on BA produced, the staff readings obtained at A and B were 1.11 and 1.39. The correct staff reading from this set up at S should be
29607. The bearing of C from A is N 30° E and from B, 50 metres east of A, is N 60° W. The departure of C from A is
29608. Complete the sentence meaningfully:Seeing that the child was ill,the:
29609. The rise and fall method of reduction of levels, provides a check on
29610. In tangential tacheometry, an ordinary level staff is used
29611. The instrument which is used in plane tabling for obtaining horizontal and vertical distances directly without resorting to chaining, is known as
29612. The staff intercept will be
29613. Horizontal distances obtained tacheometerically are corrected for
29614. If the long chord and tangent length of a circular curve of radius R are equal the angle of deflection, is
29615. Which organ comes under poorly perfused organ?
29616. In setting up a plane table at any station
29617. Ranging is an operation of
29618. Dilatant material termed as:
29619. Surveys which are carried out to provide a national grid of control for preparation of accurate maps of large areas, are known
29620. In a theodolite
29621. Whole circle bearing of a line is preferred to a quadrantal bearing merely because
29622. Tilt of the staff in stadia tacheometry increases the intercept if it is
29623. Dimethicone is the other name of:
29624. To orient a plane table at a point with two inaccessible points, the method generally adopted, is
29625. The combined effect of curvature and refraction over a distance L kilometres is
29626. Number of links per metre length of a chain are
29627. The method generally preferred to for contouring an undulating area, is
29628. If the declination of the needle is 10° W
29629. A level when set up 25 m from peg A and 50 m from peg B reads 2.847 on a staff held on A and 3.462 on a staff held on B, keeping bubble at its centre while reading. If the reduced levels of A and B are 283.665 m and 284.295 m respectively, the collimation error per 100 m is
29630. For taking offsets with an optical square on the right hand side of the chain line, it is held
29631. If the whole circle bearing of a line is 270°, its reduced bearing is
29632. A lens or combination of lenses in which the following defect is completely eliminated is called aplanatic
29633. While setting a plane table at a station it was found that the error in centering was 30 cm away from the ray of length 40 m drawn from the station. If the scale of the plan is 1 cm = 2 cm, the displacement of the end of the ray in plan from the true position will be
29634. In precision theodolite traverse if included angles are read twice and the mean reading accepted using both verniers having a least count of 30". Assuming the instrument to be in perfect adjustment, linear measurements correct to 6 mm per 30 metre tape duly corrected for temperature, slope and sag, the angular error of closure not to exceed (where n is the number of traverse legs)
29635. Straight, parallel and widely spaced contours represent
29636. The theodolites used for making tacheometric observations by optical wedge system, are
29637. Resolving power of a telescope depends on
29638. If 50 m point of a 100 m tape is 50 cm off line, and 50 m sections are straight, an error is generated equal to
29639. Alpha 2 globulin is otherwise known as:
29640. Which of the following is a pair of names of same game.?
29641. The 10 mm markings on a levelling staff placed at 20 m are separated by
29642. Staff readings on pegs x and y from X station are 1.755 m and 2.850 m, and from station Y on staff head at Y and X are 0.655 m and 1.560 m. If reduced level of X is 105.5 m, the reduced level of Y is
29643. The constant vertical distance between two adjacent contours, is called
29644. The reduced level of a floor is 99.995 m, the staff reading on the floor is 1.505 m. If the inverted staff reading against the roof is 1.795 m, the floor level below the slab, is
29645. The correction to be applied to each 30 metre chain length along θ° slope, is
29646. If F is the pull applied at the ends of tape in kg, l is the length of tape between end marks in metres, w is the weight of the tape in kg per metre run, then sag correction
29647. Under ordinary conditions, the precision of a theodolite traverse is affected by
29648. Combined impact and attrition is the working principal of:
29649. Stadia techeometry was discovered by James Watt in the year.
29650. Who among the following is the author of the book ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’?