31953. Most commonly used pump for lifting water in water supply mains, is
31954. Economic height of a dam is the height corresponding to which
31955. Distribution mains of any water supply, is normally designed for its average daily requirement
31956. If pH value of water is
31957. In pressure supply mains, water hammer pressure is reduced by providing
31958. P0, P1, P2 be the populations of a city at times t0, t1 and t2 = 2t1, the saturation value of the population Ps of the city, is
31959. Water supply system includes
31960. Corrosion of a pipe
31961. Most satisfactory formula for an estimate of fire demand Q for a city of population P in thousands for Indian conditions, is
31962. . Rani.......... home yesterday:
31963. According to Kuichling's formula, fire demand in litres per minute for a population of P thousands, is
31964. The maximum permissible nitrites in public water supplies, is
31965. A high velocity of wash water is required for
31966. In distribution pipes, drain valves are provided at
31967. Corrosion of well pipes may not be reduced by
31968. Manholes along the mains from the source to a city are provided at 500 m intervals in
31969. The population growth curve is
31970. Turbidity of raw water is a measure of
31971. If V is total consumption of water in litres for a population of N individuals, per capita consumption or water allowance for the water supply Q, is given by
31972. Water supply includes
31973. Asbestos pipes are
31974. The maximum depth of sedimentation tanks is limited to
31975. By boiling water, hardness can be removed if it is due to
31976. Unfinished Dream is a book written by?
31977. The classical Indian music has its origin in which of the following? or Which of the following Vedas is rendered musically?
31978. The least thickness of class B cast iron (spun) pipe, is
31979. According to IS : 1172-1963, a minimum of 135 litres of water capita per day, is required for
31980. The R.L. of ground water table on the sides of a valley is 1505 m whereas R.L. of the stream water is 1475 m. If 60° slope consists of pervious soil between R.L. 1485 m to 1500 m, the gravity spring may be expected at the point of reduced level
31981. The factor affecting per capita demand, is
31982. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The underground sources of water, is from
31983. Disinfection of drinking water, is done to remove
31984. Sunlight
31985. The expected discharge to be obtained from an open well sunk in coarse sand is 0.0059 cumec. If the working depression head of the well is 3 m, the minimum diameter of the well, is
31986. Average annual rainfall at any station is the average of annual rainfall over a period of
31987. Time of concentration
31988. If four fires break out in a city of population 40 lakhs and if each hydrant has three streams and duration of each fire is four hours, the total quantity of water required, is
31989. The fire demand of a city may be worked out by
31990. Aeration of water is done to remove
31991. The yield of a rapid gravity filter as compared to that of slow sand filter, is
31992. While determining the yield of open wells by the pumping test
31993. Increase in population of a rapidly growing city, may be estimated by
31994. Pick up the correct statement from the following regarding the pressure conduits :
31995. The standard B.O.D. at 20&Deg;C, is taken for the consumption in
31996. Which bird is called ‘Foolish bird’?
31997. Percussion drilling is unsuitable in
31998. Disinfection of water with ozone is not good because
31999. An earth formation which, although porous and capable of absoring water does not provide an appreciable supply to wells, is known as
32000. Mathamoglobinemia, or blue baby disease is caused due to