28851. When the depth of a plate girder is at least n times the depth of vertical leg of the flange angles, the girder is known as deep plate girder, if n is
28852. Stiffeners are used in a plate girder
28853. The channels get twisted symmetrically with regard to its axis
28854. The stiff portion of a bearing stiffener is taken equal to
28855. Effective length of a column effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in direction at one end, is
28856. The strength of ISA 125 = 75 x 10 mm used as a tie member with its longer leg connected at the ends by 27 mm diameter rivets, is
28857. The gross section of the web of a beam is defined as
28858. Who first propagated the Advaita School of Philosophy?
28859. For simply supported beams, the maximum permitted deflection, is
28860. In a truss girder of a bridge, a diagonal consists of mild steel flat 4001.S.F. and carries a pull of 80 tonnes. If the grossdiameter of the rivet is 26 mm, the number of rivets required in the splice, is
28861. Design of a riveted joint, is based on the assumption:
28862. The first Swadeshi printing press started by Chavara Kuriakose Elias:
28863. When a column is subjected to eccentric load having eccentricity ex, with respect to x-axis and eccentricity ey with respect to y-axis the column is subjected to moment in two directions and the equivalent axial load, is
28864. The value of f.o.s 'm' in the formula for safe compressive stress for a column is taken as
28865. Maximum permissible slenderness ratio of compression members which carry dead and superimposed load, is
28866. If the area of cross-section of a single angle discontinuous strut is 30 cm2 and allowable working stress corresponding to its slenderness ratio is 625 kg/cm2, the safe load carrying capacity of the member, is
28867. According to I.S. : 800 - 1871, lacing bars resist transverse shear equal to
28868. The greatest permissible clear dimension of the web of thickness t in the panel of a plate girder, is restricted to
28869. As per ISI, rolled steel beam sections are classified into
28870. Water pressure in a 80 cm water main is 10 kg/cm2. The minimum thickness of the metal required for the water main, not to be stressed more than 200 kg/cm2, is
28871. In a tension member if one or more than one rivet holes are off the line, the failure of the member depends upon :
28872. The size of a butt weld is specified by the effective throat thickness which in the case of incomplete penetration, is taken as
28873. The thickness of the web of a mild steel plate girder is less than d/200. If only one horizontal stiffener is used, it is placed at
28874. The load on a lintel is assumed as uniformly distributed if the height of the masonry above it, is upto a height of
28875. Working shear stress on the gross area of a rivet as recommended by Indian Standards, is
28876. The first book completely printed in Malayalam:
28877. The ratio of hydrostatic stress to the volumetric strain within the elastic range, is called
28878. The deflection of beams may be decreased by
28879. For a cantilever beam of length L built-in at the support and restrained against torsion at the free end, the effective projecting length l is
28880. In a built up section carrying a tensile force, the flanges of two channels are turned outward
28881. If P is the wind pressure in kg/cm2, v is the velocity in km/hour and K is a constant of proportionality, then
28882. Length of an outstanding leg of a vertical stiffener, may be taken equal to
28883. Efficiency of a riveted joint is defined as the ratio of
28884. The stress in the wall of a thin cylinder subjected to internal pressure, is
28885. The diameter of a bolt hole is taken as the nominal diameter of the bolt plus
28886. Which Indian river is known as Tsangpo in China?
28887. In a grillage footing, the maximum shear force occurs at the
28888. We send monthly reports ......... they will have full information.?
28889. Modified moment of inertia of sections with a single web, is equal to moment of inertia of the section about Y-Y axis at the point of maximum bending moment and is multiplied by the ratio of
28890. Find the word that is wrongly spelt:?
28891. According to IS: 800-1962, the coefficient of expansion of steel per degree centigrade per unit length, is taken as
28892. For a cantilever beam of length L continuous at the support and unrestrained against torsion at the support and free at the end, the effective length l is equal to
28893. On steel structures the dead load is the weight of
28894. The net area of round bars to resist the tension, is the area of cross section at
28895. When was the first railway line in Kerala opened for traffic?
28896. The least permissible clear dimension of the web of thickness t in the panel of a plate girder, is restricted to
28897. Long column is one
28898. Rolled steel beams are :
28899. Tacking rivets in tension members, are provided at a pitch in line not exceeding
28900. The effective length of a compression member of length L held in position at both ends but not restrained in direction, is